When you are enjoing the Easter Chocolate, please remember this 朱古力辣椒 story.
For a few years in Hong Kong as a financial center, many sellers were selling mini-朱古力 to people in Hong Kong.
Only recently, people found that the mini- 朱古力 was actually 朱古力辣椒, mostly 辣椒, with a bit 朱古力 flavor.
Although the sellers have the name of "xx Bank", the xx 'Bank' can be 'brand-name' only.
Many "xx Banks" are probably Shameless Heartless Banking Crooks in their true nature, and care about their bonus and commissions only.
The 朱古力辣椒 was made by a group of people, not by me.
回覆刪除However, it is okay and allowed for us (i.e. everyone) to quote and/or forward and/or publish the 朱古力辣椒 (image) on their blog/email/etc for non-commercial purpose.