2009年4月28日 星期二


轉載:4月28日金管局總裁任志剛第三次傳召出席公開研訊, 雷曼苦主大聯盟 (新聞稿) 28/4/2009

縱觀任志剛先生於立法會的回答,充斥著避實就虛,保護銀行之意。 溫家寶總理倡導「企業家身上要流淌著道德的血液」,不應「見利忘義,損害公眾利益,喪失道德底線」。 金管局打算為銀行當保護傘到幾時?

任志剛認為,迷債事件顯示本港投資者原來期望得到更大的保障,這與目前「披露為本」的監管政策明顯有落差。此言差也!在要求更多的保障之前,零售客戶期待的基本保障是:披露為本,給予客戶的投資產品文件應該公平地充分披露所發售投資產品的真實性質及風險。 對於所銷售的產品,銀行應該盡責地給客戶解釋產品的真實特徵和相關風險, 而不是片面誤導性的解釋。銀行會給與客戶充分的資料以便客戶瞭解產品的真實特徵和風險。

迷債暴露出來的最大系統性問題之一是: 銀行在銷售時,幾年來一直未有盡責曏零售客戶解釋並充分披露迷債的真實特徵和相關風險。 造成迷債災難的根本原因不是“披露為本“的政策,而是沒有對投資者作出充分披露。 雷曼和發行商從不在發行章程中明確披露抵押品跟100多家公司信貸掛鈎之特徵, 只把重點放在7個著名公司方面, 以起到“你如果對7個著名公司有信心,就可以買入迷債”的誤導風險的效果。作為銷售商的銀行應該是充分理解到迷債的真實特徵和風險的。但是銀行完全背棄了對客戶的責任,銷售時既不跟客戶解釋抵押品的風險也不給予合成CDO抵押品的相關資料。迷債抵押品是包含了 信貸破產掉期CDS 的合成CDO。 抵押品中的信貸破產掉期把抵押品中的百多個掛鈎公司的信貸風險轉嫁到了 迷債 上。迷債於是從標榜的“跟7個著名公司掛鈎”變成事實上的跟“7+125 ”或“7+155”個各類公司信貸掛鈎。

任志剛強調審批產品文件的工作是由證監負責,金管局無權審核。 是否任總也認為僅僅有發行章程和計劃章程而沒有合成CDO 抵押品資料,無法讓客戶瞭解到迷債的真實風險呢?銀行是由金管局監管的。根據證監會的“操守准則”:
“Intermediaries were still under an obligation pursuant to the Code of Conduct to explain the nature and risks of the product they were selling”, and “make adequate disclosure of relevant material information”。

銀行必須向客戶解釋和充分披露迷債相關的特徵和風險。明知合成CDO抵押品的風險和發行章程沒有充分披露合成CDO抵押品的風險,作為銷售商的銀行有責任跟零售客戶解釋和充分披露合成CDO抵押品的具體掛鈎公司及信貸掛鈎條件。 至於銷售之後 銀行是否“持續”有責任告訴客戶迷債CDO抵押品的市值是次要的問題。 在2004至2008的不同經濟環境下,銀行都是始終一貫地大肆介紹跟7個著名A/AA評級公司掛鈎,始終只字不提抵押品的風險,只字不提抵押品還跟其它100多 個(不是1個或 10個)公司掛鈎,而且那些公司的平均評級低於A並包括 sub-investment grade 的公司。或許幾年以來銀行一直認為迷債的風險只是跟那7個著名公司信貸掛鈎?為甚麼金管局至今還未能查出銀行的明顯失職?

任志剛提到:銀行未有向客戶提供和講解銷售資料等屬銀行違規銷售 ,金管局「責無旁貸」。每個迷債受害人的經濟/投資/文化教育背景各有不同,買入年份各有不同,可都有兩個共同點:(一)銀行只介紹迷債跟7個著名公司信貸掛鈎而只字不提抵押品,也從未解釋迷債不是投入到跟7個公司相關的債卷或資產之中;(二)從未介紹迷債還跟其它諸多公司(100多)信貸掛鈎的相關風險。這是幾年一貫的一致Pattern,為甚麼金管局至今仍未能分析出來?

听听一个受害者的话:“迷債持有人願意承受7間主體掛鉤公司風險,是對 7 間主體掛鉤公司有認識及有信心唔會破產。 如果講明還要揹埋完全唔認識的125間企業信貸風險,

任總的言論“美國沒有法例禁止這銷售這種產品 、主要是美國市場沒有這種需求 ,。。。其中大部份人透過退休基金購入這些產品都毫不知情”令人疑惑。(1)何處得來“沒有需求”的結論? 在美國,如果把“實質是跟 132 個公司信貸掛鈎”的產品以“跟 7個著名公司掛鈎“來推銷而不給消費者任何關於抵押品裡面的125個公司的資料,銷售金融機構不但會被集體訴訟,連政府都會介入。看看美國政府對 Auction Rated Securities 的處理手法。(2)“透過退休基金購入”即是指管理退休基金的經理們 買入信貸衍生產品。 這跟通過零售銀行買入迷債的客戶們能是同一個類別嗎? 是否有意混淆概念?

掩蓋錯誤, 失去市民的信任,只能取得掩耳盜鈴和殺雞取蛋和的效果。


2009年4月21日 星期二


據有關立法會的報道, "任志剛承認,以客觀理解,投資者對迷債的印象,或會認為是一般債券。他有看過產品的資料,但重申,審批產品文件的工作由證監負責,「金管局無權作額外審核」。"

審批產品文件的工作由證監負責. 可是銀行是有責任要給投資者提供合適的跟產品相關的資料。

SFC Code of Conduct requires that "Intermediaries were still under an obligation pursuant to the Code of Conduct to explain the nature and risks of the product they were selling", and "make adequate disclosure of relevant material information". 

如果產品的基本資料( 如發行章程, Issue Prospectus and Program Prospectus) 不夠全面披露的要求,作為迷你債卷銷售商的銀行應該跟發行商要求附加資料。 而 銀行卻是甚麼也不做, 放棄自己作為迷你債卷銷售商對於客戶應該負的責任。明知发行章程没有披露合成抵押品内的信贷挂钩公司的具体资料,既不跟发行商要求抵押品资料 (collateral information, collateral transaction document),也从不跟客户提醒,从不告诫客户这迷你债卷其实是跟7+100多个公司信贷挂钩。銀行應該知道,迷你債卷的抵押品CDO 其實是 合成( Synthetic) CDO, 合成( Synthetic) CDO 的最主要的特徵是跟諸多公司的信貸風險掛鈎。

银行根本就是违反了证监会的 Code of Conduct, 没有跟客户提供 adequate disclosure of relevant material information".

No professional intermediary could have valued the notes using only the information provided in prospectuses and marketing material. 銀行必須給其客戶提供 抵押品資料 (collateral information / collateral transaction document), 以便於起客戶可以瞭解的迷你債卷的真實風險和特徵。

銀行 的 專業人士是如何斷定:不需要給客戶披露或告誡任何關於抵押品內 100 多個掛鈎公司的 ?  是因為已經跟客戶解釋了迷你債卷錶面的7個著名掛鈎公司 而可以省略那100多個掛鈎公司的情形? 還是因為由於客觀經濟條件太好了,那 100多個掛鈎公司出事的機會遠遠低於那7個著名公司?

金管局的專業人士和官員們:你們也認為銀行不需要 給客戶披露或告誡任何關於抵押品內 100 多個掛鈎公司麼? 你們也認為銀行不需要把抵押品資料(文件)給客戶麼?

2009年4月9日 星期四

HAPPY EASTER and Chocolate Chili (朱古力辣椒)

When you are enjoing the Easter Chocolate, please remember this 朱古力辣椒 story.
For a few years in Hong Kong as a financial center, many sellers were selling mini-朱古力 to people in Hong Kong.
Only recently, people found that the mini- 朱古力 was actually 朱古力辣椒, mostly 辣椒, with a bit 朱古力 flavor.
Although the sellers have the name of "xx Bank", the xx 'Bank' can be 'brand-name' only.
Many "xx Banks" are probably Shameless Heartless Banking Crooks in their true nature, and care about their bonus and commissions only.

2009年4月4日 星期六

Questions to HKMA and Legco Lehman Incidence Investigation Committee

 Dear Legco Member, Dear HKMA Officers,

We are writing to you to express our questions and disagreements on the “Report of the HKMA on Issues Concerning The Distribution of Structured Products” (“the HKMA Report”). We respectfully request that Legco Lehman Incidence Investigation Committee (“the Legco Committee”) investigates questions below regarding Banks’ wrong-doing in conjunction with the sale of minibond to retail investors, and moves towards proper compensation for minibond victims. We also respectfully request that HKMA addresses each question below to the Legco Committee and to the public.

The key issue with Minibond is not about weather it declared “principal protected” or not. It is about the flagrant and recurring misrepresentation and omission of its true nature and risk. Lehman bankruptcy was only a trigger, to make the public realize the undisclosed nature and risk of the minibond.

Minibond Brief

1. Minibond is “Secured collateral and Swap” per SFC summary.
- Minibond collateral was mostly AAA-rated (Synthetic) CDO that is different from AAA-rated conventional bond.
- On the surface, Minibond included 5-7 Credit Default Swap (CDS) with 5-7 well-known A/AA-rated companies as reference entities.
- In the Minibond collateral, there were more than 100 CDS with more than 100 reference entities whose credit ratings were in categories ranging from AA to sub-investment grade. For example, collateral of Series #19 included 125 CDS with 125 reference entities and would lose 100% principal upon the 10th credit event in respect of reference entities. Collateral of Series #27 included 155 CDS with 155 reference entities of which 25 were sub-investment grade.
- Reference: The structure of Minibond Series 19 and collateral information:

Conduct at Point of Sale

The HKMA Report Section 3.11-3.18 “Conduct at Point of Sale” listed responsibilities that financial intermediaries or HKMA/SFC registered staffs should follow.

2. The HKMA Report omitted the fact that banks consistently failed to offer collateral information to minibond buyers. Although banks are required to ensure adequate disclosure of relevant material information on the minibond.

The Minibond was in fact credit-linked to “7+125” reference entities (Series 19), instead of credit-linked to just 7 well-known companies. Information regarding the hidden 125 CDS in collateral, i.e. the CDO collateral information (transaction document), holds the most important elements necessary to correctly assess the true risk of the Minibond. Information regarding the undisclosed 125 reference entities (in collateral) obviously carried far more risk than the 7 well-known reference entities.

Banks gave clients prospectuses that dedicated many pages on the rating and risk of the 7 well-known reference entities and the impact of any default event. But banks never offered clients CDO collateral information containing details regarding the number / name / rating of reference entities and the impact that their default would have on the Minibonds collateral.

The true risk of the minibond greatly depended on the number / name / rating of the reference entities in the collateral and the rules regarding their default event. For example, for the 125 reference entities in the collateral, the rule on the default event was: “the 10th default event would result in 100% principal loss”. If the rule were “the 110th default event would lead to the 100% principal loss”, the risk level of the minibond would be significantly changed. However, all the rules on the default event and the numbers / names / rating of the reference entities was never discussed to minibond buyers.

No professional intermediary could have valued the Minibond using only the information provided in prospectuses. Why did banks consistently fail to offer and/or discuss CDO collateral information to buyers over the past few years? Did banks fear that the details in collateral would scare retail clients away? Did banks consider the CDO collateral information as irrelevant to the true risk of the Minibond?

- Why did the HKMA Report omit the importance of CDO collateral?
- Why did the HKMA Report fail to identify such a flagrant and recurring mistake (on CDO collateral) committed by banks?

- Did the HKMA Report consider the collateral information as immaterial?
- Did the HKMA Report consider that the CDS information detail in the CDO collateral was immaterial, as long as the credit-linked to 7 well-known Reference being explained?

- Did the HKMA Report consider that the historical default rate of AAA-rated conventional bond over the past 25 years 1981-2007 could be used as reference for the default rate of AAA-rated (Synthetic) CDO?

3. The HKMA Report failed to identify that Banks’ due diligence was insufficiently thorough over the past few years’ minibond sale. Evidence includes:

- Banks never cautioned clients that minibond was not invested into any debt / bonds issued by any of the 7 reference entities.
- Banks never cautioned clients that AAA-rated securities/or AAA-rated CDO is not the same as AAA-rated conventional bond. Banks never cautioned clients about the risk related to CDO collateral.
- And, banks never mentioned to clients that minibond was, in fact, not only credit linked with the 7 reference entities, but also credit-linked with over 100 reference entities in the collateral. For those reference entities in the CDO collateral, Banks never cautioned clients that some of them could be at sub-investment grade and a 8%-10% default rate (in the reference entities) would result in 100% principal loss in collateral.

Why did the HKMA Report fail to find the (systematic) insufficient due diligence by banks?

Product Information

4. The HKMA Report Section 3.8 failed to notice obvious misleading statements in the prospectuses.

The HKMA Report defended the issuer by quoting “Our Notes are not principal protected; you could lose part, and possibly all, of your investment” and “The Notes are not principal protected” from Issue Prospectuses.  The language “not principal protected” intended to suggest caution but it is unreliable because it is by definition true of any debt obligation that is not cash collateralized.

However, the HKMA Report failed to notice the following misleading statement in the Issue Prospectuses.
(i) In the page 9 of Issue Prospectuses: “Are our Notes principal protected?
Our Notes are not principal protected: if a credit event happens to any one of the 7 reference entities before the maturity date, you will lose part, and possibly all, of your investment”
(ii) In the page 10 (Series #27) of Issue Prospectuses:
Who should buy our Notes? Are they suitable for everyone?
Our Notes are not suitable for everyone. (…).
Our Notes are only suitable for investors who are:
looking for fixed rate quarterly interest income (…),
confident that none of the 7 named reference entities will be affected by a credit event. (….)”.

Both statements in plain English clearly and effectively suggested that: (a) the “not principal protected” was conditioning on the credit event of 7 reference entities;
And (b) if you were confident on the 7 reference entities, the Notes was for you.

Banks staff confirmed such understanding, either due to their lack of knowledge on the true risk of minibond, or due to their fraudulent intention. Although the truth is that the minibond was affected by the credit event of “7+125” reference entities (Series #19).

Why did the HKMA Report fail to notice above misleading statements?
What was the HKMA Report’s finding on the reasons that banks staff did not advise their clients on the true risk of minibond?

5. The HKMA Report failed to find that many Banks downplayed minibond risk level.

Banks such as Shanghai Commercial bank / Wing Hang Bank /etc, rated most (if not all) minibond series as “Medium Risk Investment”, considerably downplaying the product’s risk level. Banks either did not understand the true risk of minibond or intentionally tried to downplay the minibond’s true risk level, for the sale of minibond.

Why did the HKMA Report fail to notice such systematic mistake by banks?

6. Did HKMA consider a complex credit derivative product like minibond as suitable for retail banks to understand and able to brief the true nature and risk correctly to retail clients?

If yes, to what extent, was this demonstrated by HKMA’s investigation?

7. What were conclusions of HKMA Report’s investigation for the following respect?

(7.1) What kind of training and training material did banks receive (from Lehman or related marketing agency/ etc.) prior to deciding minibond sale?

(7.2) What kind of training & training material, and minibond sale procedure guideline did banks give to their staff on such complex credit derivative products?

(7.3) Banks staff were required to passing the Program & Issue Prospectuses to clients, and telling clients about the risk of “credit-linked to 7 well know reference entities”. Was that all a bank staff required to advise a client at the point of sale? If not, what was other advises that banks staff were required to give to clients regarding s the minibond’s true nature and risk?

(7.4) What kind of information did banks consider as minibond relevant material information? Did banks consider collateral information (collateral transaction document) as immaterial to the true risk of minibond?

(7.5) Did the HKMA’s investigation demonstrate that all the minibond distributors/banks shared the similar view as Sun Hung Kai Financial (who was co-distributor for minibond) as in the minibond news release below?

(i) Quotes from Sun Hung Kai News Release on Minibond Series#28 (Oct.2006)
[ Mr. Francis Wong, Head of Structured Products Distribution of SHK Securities Limited, said, “Minibond Series 28 is the ideal choice for investors who desire to yield a stable income in view of the interest rate trends that may fluctuate. Being linked to a basket of shares of high-quality international financial institutions, this minibond series renders to investors potential total returns of as high as 51.50%, provided that no credit event arises during the period. Investors could secure assured positive returns in the subsequent years when the interest rates are predicted to be on the downturn”. ]

(ii) Quotes from Sun Hung Kai News Release on Minibond Series#29 (Nov. 2006)
[According to the SFC research titled "Retail Structured Notes Market in Hong Kong amid a Rate HikeCycle", credit-linked notes are among the most popular structures, taking up 42% of the market for structured products. A 100% year-on-year growth for credit-linked notes has been recorded for two consecutive years in the local market, especially with those that are linked to well-known entities. (…) Branding is also a key consideration to be successful in retail structured product market.
Mr. Francis Wong, Head of Structured Products Distribution of Sun Hung Kai Financial, said, "The constantly growing investors' demand for a stable source of income explains the expanding appetite for credit-linked products. The simple yet flexible structures the various Minibond Series offered are well-liked over the years. Investors are entitled to rosy potential returns of 48.00% in Minibond Series 29, given that no credit event occurs. ]

(iii) Quotes from “The Standard Finance” (13 Aug. 2007)
[ (……) (Zoe Leung, deputy head of structured products distribution at Sun Hung Kai Financial) Leung (……). "Our product is linked to high investment grade financial institutions like Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs," she (Zoe Leung) says.
The spread on bonds issued by these investment banks are seen to be volatile lately, but this has had no impact on their fundamentals, Leung points out. (…...)
"The product appeals to those who like time deposits”, Leung says. ]

Respectfully yours,