2010年2月25日 星期四

From Lehman Minibond To Oracle Capital Limited

The Lehman Minibonds were single handedly created and arranged by Lehman Brothers Asia Pacific. The main contributor was the CDO & Structured Credit Group headed by Leon Hindle.

Oracle Capital Limited was described in the "The other side of structured credit of The Asset October 2009 by Chito Santiago (http://www.theasset.com/article/17587.html)" as follows:

When the saga of Lehman Brothers started to unravel and eventually led to its spectacular demise in September last year, two of its senior bankers, Leon Hindle and Fredric Teng, were already contemplating lives outside of the firm – and outside of investment banking for that matter. After all, the sellside was gone as the investor base was shattered at that point in time. Perhaps it was opportune to move to the other side of the fence – into the buyside.

Hindle used to be managing director and head of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and structured credit trading group for the Asia-Pacific region at Lehman Brothers. He was also a member of Lehman’s Asia-Pacific fixed income management committee and the global credit products management team.


Together, they formed Oracle Capital Limited, the Hong Kong-based sub-investment advisor of Oracle Investment Fund SPC focussing on structured credit asset class . Their motivation came at a time when investment banking was changing significantly. In every asset class, it looks as though there is a huge opportunity to move to the buyside. Teng says they have already obtained an asset management licence from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, and are currently applying for an advisory licence and expect the process to be concluded soon.

In setting up Oracle, Hindle and Teng followed the footsteps of fellow investment bankers who have decided to leave the industry and strike it on their own so as to take advantage of the market dislocation. For instance, Jeremy Amias, a 23-year veteran at Citi who left the US firm as head of fixed income, currencies and commodities for Asia-Pacific, has joined hands with another former Citi banker Charlie Berman to set up Amias Berman and Company, a fixed income advisory, origination and brokerage firm.


While markets in other asset classes have witnessed rallies, this seems to be less the case for structured credit and according to Hindle, this situation may last for another four to five years. Structured credit is pretty much the whole gamut of products, ranging from single name credit linked notes to balance sheet collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) and synthetic CDOs. “These assets are not straight-forward,” notes Teng. “There is a lot of work to be done before you can understand what is going on. And the barrier to entry is high, you need a team of credit derivatives specialists and also a lot of investment in technology. We think we are the only outfit wholly dedicated to this asset class in Asia. We see a lot of opportunities.”

Hindle adds: “Asian investors are really in a difficult position, if you like, to make decisions about how to manage these things going forward given the overall environment now. It is probably less the case for the European or US investors because they do have a greater sense of the underlying risks in these products. That is why I think the opportunity in Asia is present for us. There are people who are running similar funds in the US and Europe, but there is not really anyone on the ground in this region with the same focus.”


Unlike CLOs, which have rallied and boast a deeper liquidity now, synthetic CDOs did not have a chance to rally to the same extent, because there are not that many pure-end buyers and because, in some cases, the risks of the transactions are tied up to the riskiest names in the former investment grade universe such as the monolines. “The kind of valuation for certain deals at this point in time, if they are managed right, should be able to generate a pretty healthy return despite the lack of liquidity in that area,” Hindle points out.



According to its website, Oracle Captial Limited is located on the 20th Floor, Central Tower of Central, and its Chief Investment Officer is Leon Hindle.

Leon Hindle and his CDO & Structured Credit Group surely have done an excellent jobs for boosting Lehman Brothers revenue and his own bonus in selling synthetic CDO/CDS at the cost of Hong Kong retail banks' clients with the innovation product "Lehman Minibond".

Lehman Brothers sold CDO to their clients by taking advantages of the CDO boom. Lehman Brothers also sold synthetic CDO / CDS to the clients to provide insurance for the event of CDOs bust. However, Lehman Brothers did not want to be the insurance-provider on the related CDOs.

What did Lehman Brothers do? One of the solution is the Lehman Minibond.

Lehman Brothers Asia-Pacific region created the Lehman Minibond which was essentially providing credit default insurances for a basket of reference entities. According to "Derivatives Week" (Dec.8,2008), Leon Hindle oversaw Lehman's origination and distribution of all structured credit in the Asia-Pacific, including the strucuring of CDOS linked to its controversial minibond series.
In 2003, from the poor sales results of Minibond Series 6, the Minibond creator realized that Hong Kong retail banks' clients are not keen in a product that is credit linked to 150 reference entities. The Minibond creator quickly switched to a smoother strategy. They added a facade to the Minibond and prominently promoted the Minibond as "Credite Linked with 7 well-known Companies". While Hong Kong retail banks' clients thought that they bought into a Lehman Minibond which was credited linked to 7 well-known companies, they did not realize that they have actually become the ultimate synthetic CDO /CDS insurance provider, to provide insurance on the default event of a basket of undisclosed 125-194 reference entities. It's the insurance premium for the undisclosed 125-194 reference entities (Synthetic CDO) that pays the Minibond interest.

With all the experience and in-depth knowledge on CDO / Synthetic CDO / CDS, knowing how little that people understand and can be fooled by financial experts on such innovation products, Leon Hindle and his company Oracle Capital Limited surely would provide excellent service to their clients.

Related blogs on Leon Hindle: " Why did Lehman Asia head of structure division Leon Hindle Lie "

Watch out, if you are considering to buy a product from the experts of CDO / CLO / Synthetic CDO. The product may have a conservative branding name and a beautiful facade, but the true features & risks of the product probably can be anything that is totally different from the branding name & the prominent facade.

2010年2月24日 星期三

The former Lehman Asia Pacific CDO & Structured Credit Team

Who was the creator of the Minibond ?
The product was created by the CDO & Structured Credit Asia Pacific of Lehman Brothers.

Who is Leon Hindle ?
Loen Hindle was Managing Director and Head of CDO & Structured Credit, Asia Pacific, Lehman Brothers.
According to "Derivatives Week" (Dec.8,2008), Leon Hindle oversaw Lehman's origination and distribution of all structured credit in the Asia-Pacific, including the strucuring of CDOS linked to its controversial minibond series.

Related blogs on Leon Hindle: "Why did Lehman Asia head of structure division Leon Hindle Lie"

Other Senior members in the Lehman Brothers Asia Pacific for CDO & Structured Credit products related may include:

George Sun: is Managing Director and Head of Global Credit Products Sales for Lehman Brothers in Asia ex-Japan. Mr. Sun heads up a team that is responsible for the distribution of all credit products including money markets, high grade credit, high yield credit, loans, private placements, structured credit, CDOs, and emerging market assets.

Ian Croft: is a senior vice president and is responsible for corporate credit securitisation opportunities in Asia ex-Japan, as well marketing and distribution of structured credit products in Singapore and South East Asia.

Patrick Kaye is a Senior Vice President, responsible for Lehman Brothers’ Principal and Structured Finance practice in non-Japan Asia. He and the group arrange securitization financings on behalf of clients as well as asset-based principal investments on behalf of the Firm.

Tay Teck How is a Vice President, in the CDO & Structured Credit, Asia Pacific, Lehman Brothers.

Steve Baker is a Senior Vice President in the CLO Banking group at Lehman Brothers US. Steve is focused on origination, structuring and placement of corporate credit securitizations, CLOs and related products.

2010年2月17日 星期三

銀行 = 金融老千 ?



銀行伙同投行以骗术来包装和推銷雷曼迷你債券、大摩精明债券,星展星债(Constellation) , ELN、。。。等等。

政府为了quick-qin, 则不惜杀鸡取蛋,全力支持銀行和投行们面向市民们的金融骗局和骗术。


我們的政府/議員/法律機構等, 對於倫敦金或祈福黨/跌錢黨等欺騙市民的集團,是否會施以同樣的寬容, 並以現在為銀行辯解的理由 來為這些集團之欺騙行為辯護?

” 秦王徒把長城築,



2010年2月12日 星期五

(轉載)雷曼苦主若肯堅持 可追回餘下四成損失 《新報》

by 王岸然
11 Feb 2010

早於一年多前,筆者在本欄多次提議應以調解制度解決雷曼事件,當時對事件的認識,不如今天的深入;今天可以斷言,新的調解制度不適用於雷曼的苦主,事實上部份苦主於無奈接受六成和解的方案,等同迫苦主完全承擔迷債的苦果,而銀行不須負上責任,亦不須負擔任何補償費用,這是無以言公平的。 筆者認為苦主有權追究到底,就算已經接受了六成賠償的苦主,亦不等於無權再追究下去。正好相反,在前證監的「陶淵明」高秉忠先生作供之後,事實證明了事件是人禍,不是天災,苦主只要肯團結,可以合情合理合法地追回餘下四成損失,問題只是由銀行或證監會負責,還是兩者共同分擔。





筆者有責任提醒各方面有權者必須注意的,是無論如何也不能讓事件不了了之。作為一個負責任的政府,不能任由社會上幾萬無辜市民,在自己沒有錯誤的情況下,蒙受不明不白的損失,而讓事件不了了之。事情已經很明白,銀行被查明有違規銷售的個案,按法律有刑事責任(不誠實的詐騙),主持其事的銀行職員應被刑事起訴,世上並無因為要打工搵食而隨便犯法的道理, 只要苦主肯堅持,事件終可解決。



2010年2月4日 星期四



我們一眾雷曼苦主對閣下處理證監會前職員高秉忠先生在立法會雷曼小組中作供一事, 實不理解。

作為雷曼小組主席, 閣下特別地在會議上不斷及主動引導各議員, 除非高秉忠先生提交證據及文件, 以支持他對證監會言論及指摘, 否則可不考慮其供詞內容. 而閣下在接受電台訪問中, 亦重覆地重申相同腔調。

我們在此不揣測 閣下作出此等動作的意圖, 但這些特別的動作, 閣下實無可否認地限制了高先生抖出證監會在處理審批雷曼事件中失職的真相。

我們翻看年內 閣下主持雷曼小組會議, 在傳召證人方面, 包括金管局任志剛, 蔡耀君; 證監會韋奕禮, 何賢通; 財經事務及庫務局陳家強等人士, 均沒有特別主動提醒各小組議員要上述證人提交文件及證據, 以支持他們的供詞, 我們請 閣下詳細解釋為何在處理證人供詞上出現如此雙重標準。

雷曼小組在往後傳召其他證人時, 包括銀行負責人, 閣下會否同樣地主動提醒各議員, 除非銀行代表提供文件及證據, 否則應不理會其供詞及答辯。

我們覺得高秉忠先生是為彰顯公義而來, 各議員亦應本著社會公義去聆聽作供的內容, 為真相窮追猛打, 主持公道, 才不辜負全港市民的期望。 可是我們卻在電視上看到某些議員在聆訊中保持沈默, 似乎在擔心提問會對證監會不利, 暴露他們處事不當, 更甚者, 我們在電視竟看到某些議員在議會上呼呼大睡, 這成何體統 !

我們全港5萬名雷曼苦主, 每天注意著事態的發展, 所有單位及人士的表現, 也都一一存檔, 並銘記於心, 尤其是議員處理雷曼事件上的公正問題。 希望何鍾泰議員與全港苦主互勉之 !



转载自: “致立法會雷曼小組主席何鍾泰議員的公開信”

2010年2月2日 星期二

(信報轉載) 誰要為雷曼事件負責- 王岸然

信報 - 2010年2月3日



在兩天的聆訊中,泛民議員最有興趣追問,是高秉忠證供之中提及在二○○一年時,當時的證監主席一反證監會十多年的工作常規,直接與前線的監管者開會,要求提供一些快贏方法(Quick Wins),以期盡快搞活經濟。這位沈聯濤主席的做法絕對可笑,這類超級施壓的結果,無異是希望負責審批投資產品的專家放寬他們一貫的標準,以便更多的新投資產品可以推出市場,而類似雷曼迷債這類新的衍生工具投資產品,正是在當時開始出現。








無論如何,在高秉忠作證之後,雷曼迷債事件之所以會在香港發生的謎底,基本上已被解開。證監會沒有在適當的時間,做好適當的預防措施,是悲劇的所以發生原因,而悲劇原本是完全可以避免, 背後阻礙證監會工作的原因,是當時的政府金融高官自私地考慮個人利益,要求任內有「快贏」的政績的結果。一想到兩位前朝人物梁錦松與任志剛今天還有為祖國的金融業貢獻經驗,只能祝祖國的投資者好運。

無論對苦主、對社會大眾而言,一句悲劇與不幸,並不是結果。 有兩點法律上及制度上可以解決事件的責任及令到事件有較令人滿意的結果。 大概香港市民不以為要用納稅人的金錢補償雷曼苦主是合理,但證監會在二○○四年起設立了一個「投資者賠償基金」,在弄清責任之後,這基金足以賠償給苦主。另外,只要證明銀行確有詐騙的行為,當局可以刑事起訴銀行的高層,有這一權力,逼銀行出資負擔部分的賠償自然可能。


2010年2月1日 星期一

[信報] 加拿大銀行業的Good and Boring - Paul Krugman

2010年2月2日 Paul Krugman



是的,我知道,加拿大應該是枯燥無味的。《新共和國雜誌》(The New Republic)曾揚言「有價值的加拿大推廣計劃」(Worthwhile Canadian Initiative)是世上最沉悶的標題(譯注:這是已故美國記者Flora Lewis上世紀八十年代在《紐約時報》一個專欄的名字)。但我一直認為加拿大很有吸引力,主要因為它與美國有很多地方很相似,但又不完全一樣;當加拿大和美國走着不同方向時,很多時候都是因為政策的不同,而不是因為文化或經濟架構不一樣。






令人敬畏的前聯儲局主席伏爾克(Paul Volcker)曾大力主張,美國的危機主要來自金融機構規模太大及業務範圍太廣──即「大得不能倒閉」(too big to fail)的銀行的存在。但加拿大的經驗也反駁了這個看法,因為在加拿大,幾乎所有銀行都是「大得不能倒閉」的:佔據加拿大金融業的只有五個銀行集團。

另一方面,加拿大的經驗似乎也支持了美國部分人的看法,其中包括國會負責監管銀行拯救行動的小組主席瓦倫(Elizabeth Warren)。

他們認為,之所以發生金融危機是因為美國未能保護消費者免受誤導性的信貸所害。加拿大有一個獨立的金融消費者機構(Financial Consumer Agency),而且對類似次按的貸款有非常嚴格的限制。


更具體地說, 加拿大對銀行信貸的限制一直比美國嚴格得多,令銀行可以倚靠借來的資金。加拿大對證券化過程也有限制。證券化是把銀行貸款包裝再出售的過程,原意是協助銀行降低風險,但最後令銀行利用其他人的資金來進行更大的賭博。







Original: "Good and Boring"


