2009年1月29日 星期四

General CDS Contract information:

The CDS contracts between the SPV can be $US500 million to $US1 billion, or sometimes more.
They have a variety of twists and turns, but it usually goes something like this:
if seven of the 100 reference entities default, the SPV has to pay the bank a third of the money;
if eight default, it’s two-thirds; and if nine default, the whole amount is repayable.

Every CDS contract varies in details in terms of the default event's impact to the principal loss.

You can read the full article in the link below:

Minibond Series #27 Collateral?

1. Collateral for Series #27 held in HSBC USA NA:
- "Beryl Finance Series 2006-10, ISIN XS0266951804 and ISIN026692281, total USD $114,465,000.".

2. News on the above collateral:
(a) Description of AAA-rating from Fitch on Issuer Date (Sep. 2006):
- "The deal, dubbed Beryl Series 2006-10, and rated AAA by Fitch Ratings, is referenced to a USD 14.31 billion portfolio comprised of a 155 default-swaps with USD 114million in credi-linked notes being structured.... As Lehman is the credit protection buyer, it would look to extend the deal out if spreads go wider, effectively allowing it to pay protection at locked-in cheaper levels than available in the market"
(Note: the Beryl Series 2006-10 refers to the Beryl notes for Minibond Series#27 collteral)
- Portfolio credit risk with an average portfolio quality of 'BBB'/'BBB-' at closing in September 2006

- related links: http://www.iinews.com/site/rss/DW092506.pdf (search for "Beryl")

(b) Fitch downgrade in 7 July 2008:
- Details:
ERYL FINANCE: Fitch Cuts Ratings on Two Note Issues to “B-”
Fitch Ratings has downgraded two Beryl Finance Series credit linked notes and removed them from Rating Watch Negative, as:

-- US$114.465 million Beryl Finance Series 2006-10 credit linked notes due 2009 and extendable to 2013 (Beryl 2006-
10): downgraded to 'B-' from 'A-', removed from RWN (RWN = Rating Watch Negative)

Since the transactions were placed on RWN on May 22 2008, the portfolio has experienced further negative rating migration
mainly due to the downgrades of 16 entities, resulting in an aggregate 28 notch downgrade, while 10 entities were upgraded
resulting in an aggregate 14 notch upgrade.

Other key drivers of both the transactions' credit risks include:
-- Portfolio credit risk with an average portfolio quality of 'BB+' compared with 'BBB'/'BBB-' at closing in September
2006 and 'BBB-'/'BB+' at the last review in May 2008. Since closing, the percentage of the portfolio rated below
investment grade has increased to 29.35% from 16.13%, with 13.55% of the portfolio in the 'BB' category, 10.00% in the
'B' category and 5.81% in the 'CCC' and below categories;

-- Portfolio migration risk with 6.77% of the portfolio on RWN and 26.45% of the portfolio with a Negative Outlook; and

-- Industry concentration of 46.13% in the three largest industries, made up of 27.74% in Banking & Finance, 11.29%
in Telecommunications and 7.1% in Utilities.


- related linke: http://bankrupt.com/TCRAP_Public/080709.mbx

2009年1月24日 星期六

谁在输打赢要? 谁在對銀行股東的長遠利益造成危害?

對迷你債卷,我們很想知道:到底誰是真正的 “輸達贏要“?
是心知有錯還強詞奪理的銀行在“輸達贏要“? 還是受騙上當的迷債持有者?

4。銀行真心認為迷你債卷只是跟6-7個著名公司掛鈎的迷你債卷麼? 而且不必曏客戶解釋迷你債卷的錢到底是投入到那裡去的?是不是投入到跟那6-7個掛鈎公司相關的資產債務去了?
5。銀行沒有做任何應該做的盡職審查和Duty of Care(見前文“銀行的盡職審查 duty of diligence 和Care of duty”),


當然,銀行即使心知肚明,也斷不會這麼輕易公開認錯。還有個美麗的“為股東利益”呢。於是,拿出投資者簽的約,拿出產品介紹,指責投資者理解風險,理解產品,錯在投資者之貪心。迷債投資者們真是貪心啊。冒著血本無歸的風險,把錢鎖定4-7年,為了每年5-7%的利息。現在跟銀行抱怨。可是這麼多買了窩輪期指牛熊證的人幾天內就輸了一大筆金錢,卻沒跟銀行抱怨。 反正數萬人客戶們是不可能都打得起官司的。




甚麼是真正的“為股東利益”?是為股東的長遠利益? 還是為股東的眼前利益?


- 他們可以解釋:成年人每天如果只是喝半杯牛奶,還和足夠的水的話,身體是不會受影響的。
- 當他們作出將全部產品從貨架上撤回的決定,是否意味著他們忘記了“股東和員工的利益”?


银行声誉和社会企业责任是否也是重要的长期利益之一 ?看看美国 Auction Rated Securities 的处理手法。
金融業最大的資本就是信譽和信任. 。沒有聲譽,失去廣大香港市民的信任,憑甚麼去做金融中心呢?
殺雞取蛋的做法,會失去了大眾的信心和信任。 會對香港的金融中心以及銀行股東的長遠利益造成長遠的危害。在一個金融業發達的城市,消費者權利之一,是保障他們在使用金融服務時權益不會受損

还记得电影 Erin Brockovich 吗?弱者有不同的版本和缺点,可是强者会利用他们的强大资源来为掩盖他们自己的错误,或者可以加上”为股东利益“的美名。


2009年1月20日 星期二

銀行的盡職審查 duty of diligence 和Care of duty



1. 銀行相關管理,批核銷售部門及職員對於銀行銷售的產品有沒有進行謹慎的盡職審查(reasonable duty of diligence)?
盡職審查的結論是什麼?不少銀行用「中風險投資」 評級 。銀行是否有意低估迷債的風險評估?
2. 銀行在決定銷售這個產品時,是否接受過發行商或相關公司的培訓等。
3. 銀行在決定銷售這個產品的前后,
- 是否閱讀過每個系列的發行章程 Program Prospectus and Issue Prospectus ?
- 是否閱讀過CDO/SyntheticCDO 抵押品文件 (collateral information)?
- 對產品的實質和相關風險的理解是什麼?當時的和今天的理解有沒有不同?
4. 金管局和銀行相關部門是否認為:
5. 銀行是如何對職員進行培訓,向職員們介紹產品的實質和產品的相關風險? 效果如何?
- 除了要求銀行職員把一本發行章程給了顧客,知道“跟7個公司挂鉤,破產事件”,“要准備鎖住幾年”,還要求銀行職員知道些什麼呢?

- 有沒有要求銀行職員必須向客戶提到這些產品的真實面目和解釋所有必須披露的風險的?
- 或者是認為:職員無須認識產品的全部實質和全部風險。普羅大眾看過 Issue Prospectus) 就自然會理解到產品的實質和所有相關風險?
6. 銀行銷售迷債數年。對於這個以CDO及Synthetic CDO為抵押品的迷債的的真實特徵和相關風險,
- 或許是:銀行自己也不明白呢?但是為了迷債的傭金,有意無視對迷債的無知、就不下工夫去瞭解迷債的真相了?
- 或許是;銀行害怕迷債的真實“極高風險,隨時可以血本無歸,只有幾個百分比的利息”的真實面目會嚇跑了客戶,從而影響了迷債的銷售?
7. 金管局,証監會都在報告中列出了數條關於迷債的風險(SFC Incidence Report “16.4”), 銀行絕大多數銀行職員對於這些風險的認知程度是什麼呢?
8. 銀行職員當時對相關產品的本質和風險的理解是什麼?
9. 銀行是否認為:向普羅大眾銷售時,
10. 銀行為什麼從未向客戶解釋:
AAA-rated CDO 或 AAA-rated Synthetic CDO跟 AAA-rated debt/loan/bond. 是完全不一樣的 ?
為什麼從未向客戶解釋:CDO 到底是由什麼樣的(直接,間接)資產構成的.
Credit (信貸)到底是指什麼?
Synthetic CDO又是什麼呢?
Synthetic CDO 的(直接,間接的)資產構成和相關產品到底是什麼呢?
銀行職員理解這些AAA-rated CDO/Synthetic CDO/Credt 本質和風險麼?
11. 銀行為什麼從未給迷你債卷客戶關於 CDO 抵押品的文件?
12. 银行知不知道相關抵押品的資料,包括抵押品評級的證明與條款及條件,
是迷你債卷 的重要披露文件之一?
13. 銀行有沒有向發行商或相關機構要求過關於Synthetic CDO 抵押品的文件資料,
14. 銀行為什麼從未向客戶解釋:迷你債卷不僅僅是跟標榜的6-7家公司信貸相關,迷你債卷的抵押品其實也是由信貸破產掉期(CDS)組成,迷你債卷的抵押品的價值取決於其挂鉤公司的信貸評級和破產事件。 買入迷你債卷,不僅僅要考慮標榜的6-7家公司的信貸事件,還要考慮許多沒有告知我們的抵押品的挂鉤公司的信貸事件。AAA-rated Synthetic CDO can have portfolio’s average portfolio quality at BBB/BBB- .
15. 銀行為什麼從未向客戶解釋:迷你債卷的抵押品Synthetic CDO 的破產事件跟 Synthetic CDO portfolio 本金損失可以是不成比例的。
比如,很有可能是 8% (或許更少)的挂鉤公司的破產事件 造成100%的本金損失。 迷債文件沒有披露這些具體條款。可是銀行應該向客戶提醒和解釋這些可能的風險,以盡職和care of duty to clients.

Note: 許多迷你債卷的抵押品是SyntheticCDO(#20-#36,及一些更早期的) .
Synthetic CDO的最重要的資產是信貸破產掉期(CDS),並不直接擁有其投資組合的債務的。Synthetic CDO (合成債務抵押債券?)的價值是由其投資組合的相關(挂鉤)公司的信貸風險來決定的。

2009年1月16日 星期五


政府和政府部門應該是以保障大眾利益為第一位,而不能為了保障大企業/銀行的利益來跟銀行一起鑽法律漏洞。 當銀行犯錯時,可以是造成香港市民數百億的經濟損失,可以影響到數萬香港市民家庭。 失去了大眾的信心和信任的話,只會對香港的金融中心造成長遠的危害。

1. 迷債#20-#36及一些更早期的許多迷你債卷的抵押品是SyntheticCDO.
- (1.1) 証監會: 為什麼數年來都沒有要求迷債文件直接披露迷債抵押品跟諸多相關公司 挂鉤的事實?即直接披露迷債事實上是跟“7 + 諸多其它”相關公司信貸挂鉤.

- (1.2) 迷債文件沒有直接披露:迷債除了跟6-7個AAA著名公司挂鉤以外,還跟其它一籃子(可能是100多個)公司信貸挂鉤,而后者的一籃子挂鉤公司的信貸可以是從AAA 到 CCC(junk bond rating)不等。 For example: Series #27 has 155 CDS in the minibond collateral. 這樣的迷債文件披露達到証監會的“清晰,准確, 無誤導、全面披露風險” 的要求了嗎?

- (1.3) 只是大肆宣講“跟6-7家著名公司信貸掛鈎”, 是否隻能說是“片面”披露風險? 其結果是 “誤導” (misleading) 加 “缺乏披露”(non-disclosure)?

- (1.4) 証監會: 數年來有沒有曾經(並堅持)要求過 發行商(Issuer) 批露一些 迷債抵押品 Synthetic CDO 的詳情?

- (1.5) 迷你債卷唯一的資產就是抵押品和(CDS)信貸破產掉期合約. 迷債抵押品 Synthetic CDO 的價值取決於相關公司的信貸風險, 即取決於所有相關公司 的破產事件和信貸評級. 通常幾個破產事件足以造成 Synthetic CDO portfolio 100%本金損失. 迷債文件一點也沒有沒有披露這些條款。沒有關鍵的信息,迷債文件符合証監會的“清晰,准確, 無誤導、全面披露風險”的要求嗎?
- Synthetic CDO 有多少相關挂鉤公司, 或者大約范圍,如30-50個,或120-160個,等等;
- Synthetic CDO 具體的挂鉤公司名稱和評級, 或者, 至少會披露其相關掛鈎公司的信貸評級組成的百分比, 諸如AAA 評級的公司有百分之幾, BBB / BB 評級的公司有百分之幾, CCC 評級的公司有百分之幾,而不是只以 AAA 評級的 Synthetic CDO 帶過. 至少給投資者一些關於“信貸破產掉期”掛鈎公司的“清晰”信息.
- 抵押品 Synthetic CDO的挂鉤公司的破產事件對 造成Synthetic CDO 100%的本金損失的條件。比如,應該披露至少第幾個破產事件 (e.g. 7 out of 100 entities?) /或百分之幾 (e.g. 5%?)的挂鉤公司的破產事件才會 造成100%的本金損失。

2. 請問証監會數年來,
(比如:反正有了“The Notes is not principal protected” 萬能擋箭牌),
還是站在公共大眾的利益上,根據產品的復雜性來,盡量的要求提供明了,詳盡,清晰的發行章程,來達到”清晰, 准確, 無誤導, 全面披露風險” 的要求嗎 ?


3. 許多迷你債卷的抵押品是SyntheticCDO(#20-#36,及一些更早期的) .
Synthetic CDO is defined as a transaction that transfers the credit risk on a reference portfolio of assets. The reference portfolio in a synthetic CDO is made up of credit default swaps. Synthetic CDO的最重要的資產是信貸破產掉期(CDS),並不直接擁有其投資組合的債務的。(Synthetic CDO’s only asset is CDS, and does not directly own the underlying debt). Synthetic CDO (合成債務抵押債券?)的價值是由其投資組合的相關(挂鉤)公司的信貸風險來決定的。

- (3.1) 銀行銷售迷你債卷數個系列數年。 為什麼從未給迷你債卷客戶關於 CDO 抵押品的文件? 沒有抵押品的信息,怎麼可以瞭解到迷債的真實面目呢?

- (3.2) 银行知不知道 相關抵押品的資料,包括抵押品評級的證明與條款及條件, 是迷你債卷 的重要披露文件之一?

- (3.3) 銀行有沒有向發行商或相關機構要求 過關於Synthetic CDO 抵押品的文件資料,包括抵押品評級的證明與條款及條件?

- (3.4) 銀行銷售迷你債卷數個系列數年, 應該理解”Synthetic COD及“The CDOs will be linked to a portfolio of international credits (該等抵押債務證券將與國際信貸組合相聯)”所指為何意。 為什麼從未向客戶解釋:迷你債卷不僅僅是跟標榜的6-7家公司信貸相關,迷你債卷的抵押品其實也是由信貸破產掉期(CDS)組成,迷你債卷的抵押品的價值取決於其挂鉤公司的信貸評級和破產事件。 為什麼從未向客戶解釋:買入迷你債卷,不僅僅要考慮標榜的6-7家公司的信貸事件,還要考慮許多沒有告知我們的抵押品的挂鉤公司的信貸事件。AAA-rated Synthetic CDO does not mean that the portfolio’s average portfolio quality is at AAA level.

- (3.5) 銀行為什麼從未向客戶解釋:迷你債卷的抵押品Synthetic CDO 的破產事件跟 Synthetic CDO portfolio 本金損失可以是不成比例的。
比如,很有可能是 10% (或許更少)的挂鉤公司的破產事件 造成100%的本金損失。具體要看“信貸破產掉期”(CDS)的條款。
迷債文件沒有披露這些條款。可是銀行應該向客戶提醒和解釋這些可能的風險以盡職和care of duty to clients.

- (3.6) 銀行為什麼從未向客戶解釋:AAA-rated CDO 或 AAA-rated Synthetic CDO跟 AAA-rated debt/loan/bond. 是完全不一樣的.

給銀行, 金管局的問題
4. 現在的關於迷債回購的法律爭執.
多數迷債持有者不明白為什麼我們已收到了匯豐的關於終止迷債“信貸破產掉期”/破產違約的信 件,卻還有關於可否終止“信貸破產掉期”合約跟雷曼清盤人的法律之爭。
為何還有沒有終止的“信貸破產掉期”合約 的存在?,

2009年1月12日 星期一

The SFC Lehman Minibond Report and Banks' Responsibility

Here is our comments on the“SFC Lehman Brothers Minibonds Incident Report".

We request Legco Lehman Incident Investigation Committee to investigation issues and questions presented here to SFC officer, Banks and HKMA officer during the committee's investigation.

The key issue with the Minibond is not about if it declared “it is principal protected”. The key issue is about the misrepresentation and omission of the true nature and risk of the so-called “Minibond”. If a person bought a share of HSBC, and later found out that he actually owned an option related to HSBC stock price. Can the seller claim its innocence because the “option document declared that it is not principal protected”?

- (a) The Report failed to identify the fact that many (if not all) Minibond Prospectuses had consistently given misleading information, omitted material risk in the following aspects: credit linked with 7 reference entities or credit linked with 7+MANY (over 100) reference entities; Synthetic CDO criteria and risk;

- (b) The Report failed to identify the fact that banks did not provide minibond buyers with complete information, i.e. banks did not make adequate disclosure of relevant material information about minibond.- (d) The Report faile to identify that Banks’ due diligence was at faulty (to say the least).

- (c) The Report's obversation in Section 16.3.1 and 16.3.2 was inadequate. The The Report's Section 16.4 did not reveal the understanding of banks staff which is one of key issues associated with Minibond Sales.

It is not uncommon for banks to find all the possible loophole even lame excuse to protect their own interest. The Government must try its very best to protect the public's interest, especially when public does not have much legal way to challenge banks. The Government should not join banks in finding all possible loophole and excuses to hide the truth of minibond sales, while in the name of for the best interest of Hong Kong as Financial Center. When banks made mistakes, the damage could be over billions of dollars, the damage could affect possibly tens of thousands family in Hong Kong, the damage would shock people’s trust on banks and affect banks’ image to the world. A thorough investigation on the minibond sales is also to protect the Hong Kong's reputation as a financial center in the long term.

1. A few extract from the Report.
- In the Section “2.2. Regulatory Structure”, it states “2.2.1. (...) disclosure and suitability. The first of these is the responsibility of SFC - to ensure that, based on the information provided by the product issuer, sufficient information is disclosed in the product documentation by the issuer to enable a reasonable person to make an informed decision. “.
Can we assume that ‘a reasonable person’ here refers to persons who are not credit derivative product experts such as 黃元山,迷宗?

- As reported in the news,

- SFC’s William Pearson said “ (……) We are seeing more complicated products come on to the scene, but I think as long as the disclosure is clear, accurate and not misleading, we will be happy to see that carry on”, as in the Asian Structured Products Review 2005, (http://www.pacificprospect.com/downloads/asian_structured_products_review.pdf

2. Minibond Series #19, #21-#23, and #25-#36 have Synthetic CDO as collateral. Some earlier series (#12, #15-#18) probably have Synthetic CDO collateral too.

The Prospectuses Misled on Credit-Linked to 7 Reference Entities

3. The Prospectuses prominently stated that minibond was credit linked with 7 well-known reference entities. A Synthetic CDO consists of CDS with MANY other entities. By choosing Synthetic CDO as minibond collateral, it means that minibond’s value is also decided by the credit risk of its collateral’s portfolio holding. The prospectuses never clearly stated the fact that the Minibond is in fact credit linked with “7 plus MANY Other (undisclosed)” reference entities The prospectuses failed to discloses where the risks truly lie, failed to meet SFC’s “Clear, Accurate, No misleading” requirement.

The Report quoted the declaration of “not principal protected” in “16.3.1”. But the Report failed to notice the fact that the Prospectus (page 9) stated “Are our Notes principal protected? Our Notes are not principal protected: if a credit event happens to any one of the 7 reference entities before the maturity date, you will lose part, and possibly all, of your investment.”. As a consequence, the prospectus successfully let retail clients into believing that to believe that the prominent “Credit linked with 7 reference entities” was the condition for the “not principal protected”. In other words, the minibond’s principal would be protected if there is no credit event happened to the 7 (not “7+MANY OTHER”) reference entities. Responsible banks staff also confirmed the above understanding, either due to their lack of knowledge on the true nature and risk of the minibond, or out of fraudulent intention.

4. The Report quoted “16.3.2. Our Notes are not suitable for everyone…..Before appl ying for any of our Notes, you should consider whether our Notes are sui tabl e for you in light of your own financial circumstances and investment objectives. If you are in any doubt , get independent professional advice.”, in defending the Prospectuses.
However, the Report failed to notice the statement made by the prospectuses in the page 10 of Series #27, Section “Who should buy our Notes? Are they suitable for everyone?” This Section started with “Our Notes are not suitable for everyone” the wile card statement, but followed up with a specific condition:
“Our Notes are only suitable for investors who are: (….)
confident that none of the 7 named reference entities will be affected by a credit event (….)”,
to stress the confidence to the 7 reference entities. That is, if if you are confident on the 7 reference entities, the Notes is for you.

This was obviously misleading. A potential Minibond investor would mistakenly think that all the risk of the minibond is from the 7 reference entities.

As a result, many retail clients thought the risk of credit-event of the 7 reference entities could be tolerated, for the long lock up 4-7 years period. But, was the minibond really about “credit-linked to the 7 reference entities”? Was the minibond money invested into any real assets associated with the 7 reference entities?

The Prospectuses Failed to Explain How The Minibond Money Was Invested

5. The Prospectuses never clearly stated the fact that: An investor in the Minibond does not lend money directly or indirectly to the 7 reference entities or any of the undisclosed MANY reference entities that comprised of the minibond synthetic CDO collateral. It only stated “We use the money which you invest in our Notes to buy a package of assets.” (page 19, “What happens to my money? How can Pacific International Finance Limited pay me back?”).
A prospectus must reveal where the money will be invested into and where the interest and repayment of the principal will be coming from. The brand name of minibond and the credit linked to 7 reference entity gave retail clients false illusion that the money would be invested into debt/loans of the reference entities.

When we received call from our bank after Lehman filed for bankruptcy, many of us thought it would not be a big issue because the credit linked company were okay and the 7 companies should be able to pay their interest and repay the principal in the future.

For your information, the Prospectuses listed Definitions on many financial terms, such as “bond”, “loan”, “obligation”, many more on the credit rating and the 7 reference entities credit rating. But it never lists “CDO” / “Synthetic CDO”.

The Prospectuses Failed to Disclose Collateral’s Reference Entities' Criteria

6. A Synthetic CDO collateral is comprised of CDS with totally unknown number of reference entities, usually with the lower-rated tranches bearing more of the risk than the higher-rated tranches. A AAA-rated Synthetic CDO usually consists of tranches with debt at rating category varying from AAA to CCC.

Plenty of credit rating information on the 7 reference entities was disclosed. But there was no credit rating information disclosed on the reference entities that comprised of the synthetic COD of the minibond collateral.

The Prospectuses should be at least able to disclose criteria range or guideline on the criteria for selection of the reference entities. Such disclosure would help readers to assess the average portfolio credit quality and the possibility of default event in the portfolio, e.g.:
-number of reference entities or the number range;
-the portfolio credit rating distribution ratio; e.g. how many /if any entities will be below CCC; how many will be between BBB/BB or below BB-; etc.
-the intended portfolio's industry concentration rate.

The Prospectuses Failed to Disclose the Collateral's Default Event Impact

7. A Synthetic CDO could experience 100% principal loss with less than 5%-10% default event in its portfolio reference entities. The default event impact to the principal loss was never mentioned in the Prospectuses.
There was no mentioning on the impact of default event to related principal loss, e.g. 7th default->100% principal loss, out of 100 reference entities.

The Prospectuses obviously did not provide “sufficient information” as stated in SFC’s report. The prospectuses obviously did not meet SFC’s “Clear, Accurate and non misleading” requirement either. Instead, the prospectuses consistently omitted material fact and gave misleading statement, so that a reasonable person would not be properly informed of the true nature and risk of the Minibond.

Banks Provided Minibond Buyers with Incomplete Information

8. SFC failed to notice the fact that banks did not provide clients with all the minibond relavant information. “The Minibonds are secured collateral and swap” as defined by The Report “16.2”. The CDO collateral information thus held the most important details on the Minibond, because the collateral was not a conventional AAA-rated bond. The dimished collateral value also proved the criticialness of such collateral information. The prospectuses were only part of the minibond information. With the collateral information, Minibond buyers would have a (2nd) chance to have a look at what was really in the minibond, and thus to assess the true nature and risk of the Minibond, especially when banks failed in their due diligence.

Detailed Information about the collateral, including evidence of the rating and the terms and conditions of the collateral, usually would be available prior to the issue date. Banks should have requested after offer closed. Banks should have sent such CDO collateral information documents /or notice of such documents’ availability to minibond purchasers. Banks are required to disclose relevant material information to clients.

Bank’s Due Diligence Was at Faulty

9. Banks should have cautioned their clients about the risk related to the Synthetic CDO collateral. Banks should also have requested the minibond issuer to disclose related CDS information (e.g. CDS reference entities name and credit rating, percentage of portfolio held in each credit rating category, the relationship of reference entities' default rate to the consequent principal loss percentage, etc.). We contend that, instead of exercising due diligence, the Bank in fact collaborated, we would suggest fraudulently, with the minibond issuer, hiding the risk of the Synthetic CDO from the bank's retail clients, with the objective of increasing the sale of the minibonds.
- It was never pointed out to us that the minibond was not invested into any debt / loans / bonds issued by any of the 7 reference entities and that the minibond's underlying collateral CDO's key asset was CDS with many entities.
- It was never mentioned or explained to us that a "AAA-rated CDO" or "AAA-rated Synthetic CDO" was not the same as a "AAA-rated" bond. It was never explained to us what was a “AAA-rated CDO” or “AAA-rated Synthetic CDO”. It was never explained to us what a CDO is comprised of and what kind of risk a CDO may have.
- It was never mentioned or explained to us that a "AAA-rated Synthetic CDO" may not invest into any debt/loan/bond at all. Nor that a AAA-rated Synthetic CDO usually consists of tranches with debt at various rating categories from AAA to CCC.
- We were never told that the most important feature of a synthetic CDO is the tranching of credit risk.
- We were never told that the Synthetic CDO's value is decided by the credit risk of its portfolio holding. Nor that the minibond's collateral would consist of CDS with many entities which could be in various rating categories from AAA to CCC.
- It was never mentioned or explained to us that a “AAA-rated Synthetic CDO” could have an average portfolio credit quality at BBB/BBB-.
- We were never told to be aware that the minibond was, in fact, not only credit-linked with the 7 reference entities, but also credit-linked with many other entities.
- We were never told that there was no detailed information being provided on the Synthetic CDO's CDS entities & entities' credit rating, no information regarding the Synthetic CDO portfolio's industry concentration percentage, no information on the impact of the number of default event of portfolio to the principal loss (e.g. 5%-10% default event could result in 100% principal loss, etc.). We were never told that the minibond's value would be greatly affected by the default event of underlying Synthetic CDO's CDS entities.
- And we were never told that the default event or the credit rating change of all the entities included in the CDS of Synthetic CDO collateral is critical to the value of the minibond collateral.

Banks and Banks staff Breaching Code of Conduct ?

10. The Report wrote “16.4” listed a few risk mentioned in the Prospectuses.
- (10.1) Did the SFC ever check how many banks staffs were actually aware of all the risk listed in the “16.4” and explained all of them to their clients at the point of sale, other than the credit-event of the 7 reference entities and no liquidity / long lockup period?
- (10.2) The Report wrote “2.3.1 "..... Intermediaries were still under an obligation pursuant to the Code of Conduct to explain the nature and risks of the product they were selling and ensure it was suitable". Does SFC consider that giving “the credit-event of the 7 reference entities and no liquidity / long lockup period” would be sufficient for briefing clients on the true nature and risk of Minibond?
- (10.3) The Report wrote “2.5.2. The Code of Conduct also imposes obligation on intermediaries to ensure their staff are properly trained and supervised”. What was SFC’s finding on this?
- (10.4) Should banks / banks staff’s Honesty and Fairess, Care to their Clients be defined as:
"For a complex credit derivative product like the minibond, the responsibility of Bank's sale staff is limited to: passing the Issuer Prospectus to the client when being requested, and to tell the minimum information to clients, even if the minimum information could be misrepresenting and misleading on the full picture of the product”?
- (10.5) Although Minibond holders signed the minibond purchase form which has one item as “confirmed to have received Issuer Prospectus and Secured Continuously Offered Note Programme”. Most (if not all) minibond holders received the Issuer Prospectus only (if they received any prosectus), had not received the Secured Continuously Offered Note Programme at all. As a matter of fact, banks staff did not mention the Secured Continuously Offered Note Programme to most (if not all) of the minibond buyer

contact: minibondVictim@gmail.com

迷債文件達到証監會的“清晰,准確, 無誤導、全面披露風險” 的要求??

The “SFC Lehman Brothers Minibonds Incident Report” did not reveal fact that many Minibond Prospectuses had consistently omitted material fact and risk disclosure.


- 1. 數年來迷債文件都沒直接披露迷債抵押品跟諸多相關公司 挂鉤的事實. 即迷債事實上是跟“7 + 諸多其它一籃子(可能是100多個)”相關公司信貸挂鉤. 而后者的一籃子挂鉤公司的信貸可以是從AAA 到 CCC(junk bond rating)不等。
For example: Series #27 has 155 CDS in the minibond collateral. 只是大肆宣講“跟6-7家著名公司信貸掛鈎”, 是否隻能說是“片面”披露風險? 其結果是 “誤導” (misleading) 加 “缺乏披露”(non-disclosure)?

- 2. 數年來迷債文件都沒有批露一些 迷債抵押品 Synthetic CDO 的詳情.
迷你債卷唯一的資產就是抵押品和(CDS)信貸破產掉期合約. 迷債抵押品 Synthetic CDO 的價值取決於相關公司的信貸風險, 即取決於所有相關公司 的破產事件和信貸評級. 通常幾個破產事件足以造成 Synthetic CDO portfolio 100%本金損失. 迷債文件一點也沒有沒有披露這些條款。
沒有關鍵的信息,迷債文件符合証監會的“清晰,准確, 無誤導、全面披露風險”的要求嗎? 應該要求披露的詳情諸如:
- Synthetic CDO 有多少相關挂鉤公司, 或者大約范圍,如30-50個,或120-160個,等等;
- Synthetic CDO 具體的挂鉤公司名稱和評級, 或者, 至少會披露其相關掛鈎公司的信貸評級組成的百分比, 諸如AAA 評級的公司有百分之幾, BBB / BB 評級的公司有百分之幾, CCC 評級的公司有百分之幾,而不是只以 AAA 評級的 Synthetic CDO 帶過. 至少給投資者一些關於“信貸破產掉期”掛鈎公司的“清晰”信息.
- 抵押品 Synthetic CDO的挂鉤公司的破產事件對 造成Synthetic CDO 100%的本金損失的條件。比如,應該披露至少第幾個破產事件 (e.g. 7 out of 100 entities?) /或百分之幾 (e.g. 5%?)的挂鉤公司的破產事件才會 造成100%的本金損失。

- 3. The Prospectuses never clearly stated the fact that: An investor in the Minibond does not lend money directly or indirectly to the 7 reference entities or any of the undisclosed MANY reference entities that comprised of the minibond synthetic CDO collateral.

- 4. 請問証監會數年來,是站在發行商的角度上,鑽法律漏洞,來達到事實上的最小披露呢?(比如:反正有了“The Notes is not principal protected” 萬能擋箭牌), 還是站在公共大眾的利益上,根據產品的復雜性來,盡量的要求提供明了,詳盡,清晰的發行章程,來達到”清晰, 准確, 無誤導, 全面披露風險” 的要求嗎 ?

2009年1月9日 星期五

How was Mahogany Notes II being briefed?

Here is a link that showed how the credit linked Notes "Mahogany II" was introduced in the 2-page brief:


It mentioned the fact of credit linked with many (a portfolio) of reference entities;
It listeded the portfolio entities' credit rating distribution, etc.

What was the brief clients received at banks in Hong Kong?
- It was credit linked with the 7 reference entities.

What was the banks' due diligent when banks were selling Minibond to clients?
What was the SFC's "disclosure" standard on the Minibond Prospectus?

Australia Mahogany Notes (a Credit Linked Notes)

The "Mahogany Notes" is a Lehman credit linked notes sold in Australia.
It has similar nature to the Hong Kong's Minibond.

But the information and disclosure from its Prospectus are quite different from the Minibond's Prospeucts. Here is the Mahogany Note's prospectus dated in Januay 2006. http://www.mahoganycapital.com.au/mahogany/PageAttachmentServlet?PageID=4762

同樣由雷曼亞洲一手安排的在澳洲銷售的信貸掛鈎票據 Mahogany Notes 清晰地介紹了
- 該信貸掛鈎票據之本金跟100個公司信貸掛鈎,(7個破產就會失去100%本金),
- 該票據之利息跟150個公司信貸掛鈎(破產事件跟票據利息之關係)
- 該票據所有信貸掛鈎主體之評級(AA 到 BBB- 及 低於 BBB- 之公司數目,等)和公司之業界類別等信息。
買的人明確瞭解它們買入的產品是甚麼,所以雷曼暴煲之後,Mahogany Notes 票據持有者們沒有高呼上當,沒有投訴銷售結構。因為他們知道他們買的是甚麼。

1. The difference is in its prospeucts.
Mahogany Notes' prospectus has far more quality disclosure if comparing to Minibond's prospectus.

Here is some brief on the Mahogany Notes:

(i) Page 6 listed "TERM SUMMARY".

"Key Characteristics: Portfolio Linked Note.

Principal repayment is linked to a Capital Portfolio of 100 Investment Grade corporate entities with the required credit protection to achieve an ‘AA’ rating of Principal as at the Issue Date.

Interest is linked to an Interest Portfolio which has two components, a Return Component of 150 entitiesand a Protection Component of 50 entities. The payment of Interest is not rated.

The Notes are classified as unsecured notes for the purposes of section 283BH of the Corporations Act."


" In traditional debt securities the repayment of principal and payment of interest is dependent upon the performanceof a single entity. A PLN has payments referenced to the performance of a number of entities (collectively called theportfolio) which may include governments and companies.

An investor in a PLN does not lend money directly or indirectly to the entities in the portfolio. An investor lends money to the issuer, and the issuer in return agrees to repay the money invested and to pay interest. The issuer typically gains exposure to the entities through derivativecontracts that reference the portfolio. In this way, investors in a PLN have interest and principal payments referenced to the performance of the portfolio entities."

(iii) (page 9) "WHAT ARE THE PORTFOLIOS?"
It listed the details of the portfolio component.


It explained the default event's impact to the loss of principal or interest: - The 7th default event of the 50 entities (in their capital portfolio) => 100% loss in principal;
- The Net 6th default event of the (150+50) entities (in their interest portfolio) => 100% loss in the interest payment;
The 150+50 scheme works like this: Saphir obviously sells insurance on the 150.

Thus, default event of the 150 is a negative impact (loss) on the interest payment;
Saphir obviously buys insurance on the 50. Thus, default event of the 50 is a positive impact (gain).
if 1 default from the 150 pool and 1 default from the 50 pool => net default is 0.

(v). (page 18). It stated the portfolio rating "AA", and requirements on the portfolio entities' credit rating, (on Issue Date): - "No entities in the Capital Portfolio is below 'BBB-'; - "No entities in the Return Portfolio is below 'BB-'; -- "No more than 15 entities in the Return Portfolio is below 'BBB-';

(vi). (page 22-24) It also showed the country concentration rate and industry concentration rate of each portfolio reference entities.

2. What did the Minibond Prospectus say about the reference entities included in the Minibond's collateral issued by Beryl Finance for Series #20 till #36 (excluding #24) ?
"NONE", other than it is a "AAA-rated Synthetic CDO" or "the CDO will be linked to a portfolio o finternational credits".

3. Why did SFC consider the Minibond Prospectus meetings its requirement of "Full Disclosure" (全面披露) ?
Did all the Minibond Prospectus (for all series) meet the SFC's requirements of "Clear, Accurate, Fully-Disclosure" (“清晰,准確”,“全面披露風險”)?

4. Where was Banks' due diligence to say the least?
Why did not banks request disclosure on such key information? Why did not banks mention the possible un-disclosed reference entities risk to its retail clients?

You are welcome to leave your comments in English or Chinese.

Minibond Series #27 by Pacific International Finance (SPV)

Here is the information for this product.
The product is sold at many Banks in Hong Kong, in Aug. 2006. Many banks (including Wing Hang Bank) rated it was "Medium Risk Investment".
1. The Minibond Advertisement in Banks' counter:

2. The Issuers Prospectus
3. The Program Prospectus (This was never mentioned to clients. But it does exist)
A reading of the Advertisement, and reading of the Issuer Prospectus, would show you how complex the product is. Not sure if any of you would be able to understand the true nature and riks of the Minibond.
I would be happy to hear your comments after reading any of the above documents.

email: minibondVictim@gmail.com

Lehman Minibond Sold in Hong Kong Retail Banks

During 2003-2008, many retail banks in Hong Kong had been selling a product called "Minibond" by Lehman minibond to all retail investors.
There are about $2 billions Lehman minibond sold in Hong Kong, to retail clients.

Here is a brief by banks' staff on one of the Lehman Minibond Series.
It was marketed as "Credit Linked to 7 well known international financial companies by issuer Pacific International Finance (SPV, Caymen Island).
Here are the things that many Banks staff told their clients:
- An credit event of the 7 reference entities would cause the loss in principal.
- The product would have no liquidity, thus any early redemption would cause principal loss;
- If one can hold it to its maturity 4-7 years, one can get 100% principal back if no credit event happens.

Questions are:
- Are the above information are all the material fact & material risk about Minibond?
- Are the Minibond money to be invested into the debt/loans of the 7 reference entities?
- Where did the Minibond money go? Were the Minibond money invested into any of the 6-7 reference entities' debt / loans/ bonds?  
-  What were the assets that back up the Minibond? 
    What was Minibond's underlying assets ?
    Is a AAA-rated COD equal to a AAA-rated loan / debt / bond? 
- ........ (many more questions).....

Did any banks' staff explain to you about the above questions ? 

.... to be continued
email contact: minibondVictim@gmail.com