2010年12月29日 星期三

韋奕禮請辭揭監管危機 - 王岸然




人才離職 庸才到位



苦主不忿 抗爭至今




韋奕禮與任志剛的分別在哪裏?不是誰更有能力,而是一個是過江龍,以國際證監的監管標準為念;一個則是一生在香港的官僚與商界銀行之間打滾為生的地頭蟲。 大家同樣面對特區政府可在適當時候另請高明的局面,韋堅持保護投資者為優先的國際證監專業,另一人則盤算要與業界打好關係, 準備退休之時還可有再上層樓的空間。 香港的官僚莫不如是。



轉向國際 提出申訴





筆者以為,苦主應將事件帶到國際層面,苦主可以直接向各國的證監會提交事件的報告,也可以直接向國際證監會組織(International Organization of Securities Commissions)提出申訴,給全球一百八十多個證監會評評道理,讓拒絕依法保護投資者的香港證監與香港政府在國際上名譽掃地。

2010年11月30日 星期二

檢控銀行職員 雷曼事件新發展

檢控銀行職員 雷曼事件新發展 - 王岸然, 2010年12月1日








事隔兩年零三個月,始有第一宗依據第一○七條的刑事檢控,這個延誤何等驚人,背後的政治含義如何且不論,法治原則是延誤就會破壞公平(delay defeats equity),兩年間已經有不少年紀大的苦主因病過身或成危疾,如果一年只檢控幾人,要多少年才能完成還苦主一個公道的責任?苦主要等政府先檢控,取得勝訴的結果,才能展開民事的訴訟,因為這才有取勝的把握。民事官司從來是燒金錢的遊戲,香港沒有集體訴訟(class action)的制度,對無財勢的小投資者如何公道?正義大狀議員當年高調干預,抽完政治油水就不聞不問,這是哪一門子的正義?



公權力不可靠,跟紅頂白的傳媒也不主持公道之時,雷曼苦主能依靠的,只有自身的力量,公民直接行動(Direct Action)爭取自身的權益,從來是最為有效。菜園村的村民只有一百幾十人,但行動堅定勇敢,就令到政府的收地行動一再延後。


2010年9月24日 星期五


騙局,騙子, 西裝革履的騙子,道貌岸然的銀行家, 這之間都有甚麼聯繫呢?

電影“Public Enemy”, 一貫以搶劫銀行為生的大盜對在銀行里的客戶說:“我們只搶劫銀行,我們不搶劫銀行客戶”。

電影“華爾街”的格言是:“貪婪是好” ("greedy is good")。
從設計和銷售迷你債券,星債,和精明債券的銀行和銀行家身上,我們看到了 “greedy is good” 的精神。

現在“華爾街2:Money Never Sleeps" 要上映了。不知會有甚麼新的格言。



 尋求美元或港元定息季度利息收入;

有信心所述的七間該等相關主體在本公司債券發行日至到期日前第二個營業日不會受到信貸事件 (即「破產」、「未能償債」或「重組」,包括例如未能償還大額借貸、破產、進行不利的債券重組)影響等事件,且可以承擔當發生任何上述事件後可能損失投資的風險;

 願意接受本公司可選擇延長A組及/或B組債券的到期日;及

 就任何組別的本公司債券而言,願意接受本公司可選擇在二零零七年九月十五日或其後任何付息日提早償還本金額。


大家可見,這只是提到7間著名公司,完全沒有提到CDO裏面信貸掛鉤的100多個公司。寫出這麼個簡要的“誰應購買本公司債券?本公司債券是否適合所有人?”,目的是甚麼呢? 令投資者誤以爲迷債的風險只跟6-7個著名公司信貸掛鉤 ?

2010年8月13日 星期五

Court Filing (abstract)

Case 1:10-cv-00017-WHP, Filed 08/09/10

DOC #:

KA KIN WONG, et al.,10 Civ. 0096 (WHP)Appeal from Bankruptcy
Plaintiffs/Appellants,Case No. 08-13555 (JMP)
HSBC USA, INC., et al.,Defendants/Appellees.

WILLIAM H. PAULEY III, District Judge:

Plaintiffs/Appellants Ka Kin Wong and six other noteholders appeal from twoorders of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (Peck,Bankr. J.)(the "Bankruptcy Court") dated November 23, 2009 and December 3, 2009 dismissingtheir Class Action Complaint (the "Complaint") with prejudice. While the events giving rise tothis adversary proceeding are complicated, two discrete issues are presented on appeal: (1)whether Plaintiffs have standing to sue, and (2) whether amendment of the Complaint would befutile.For the following reasons, this Court affirms in part, reverses in part, and vacates in part the Bankruptcy Court's orders.


1.Parties on Appeal

Plaintiffs seek to represent a class of purchasers of structured finance notes-alsoknown as "Minibonds"between June 16, 2003 and September 15, 2008. (Appellants'Designation of Contents of the Record Designation Number ("DN") 1: Complaint against HSBC,USA, et al. dated Mar. 12, 2009 ("Compl.") ¶ 1.) Plaintiffs brought claims against PacificInternational Finance Limited ("Pacific Finance" or the "Issuer"), the issuer of the Minibonds, aswell as several other entities and individuals. (Compl. ¶¶ 27-38.) The underlying transactionsand relationships among the various entities are opaque.

On appeal, Plaintiffs pursue their claims against only two entities: HSBC BankUSA, N.A. ("HSBC Bank" or the "Trustee"), and Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc.("LBSF"). HSBC Bank is the trustee of collateral securing Pacific Finance's paymentobligations to the Minibonds holders and LBSF. In the Complaint, Plaintiffs mistakenly namedHSBC Bank's predecessor as trustee, (DN 6 Ex. 2: Affidavit of Song Qun Sworn, ProgrammeProspectus dated Mar. 12, 2007 at 7), and now appeal the Bankruptcy Court's denial of leave toamend the Complaint to name HSBC Bank. Defendant LSBF is a bankrupt Delawarecorporation and a debtor in the underlying bankruptcy proceedings, which involve severalLehman entities (the "Lehman Bankruptcy"). (Compl.IT38, 67.)

II.The Minibonds Program

Plaintiffs seek damages and injunctive relief relating to $1.6 billion in Minibonds issued by Pacific Finance in separate, but virtually identical, series. (Compl. ¶ 45.) PacificFinance sold the Minibonds to retail investors located primarily in Hong Kong, and marketedthem as "credit-linked" to financially stable companies and backed by AAA-rated collateral.(Compl. ¶¶ 45, 47, 51.) As a consequence of Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.'s ("LehmanBrothers") collapse, the Minibonds are now worthless. (Compl.T~67-69, 101-04.)

While the Minibonds were issued by Pacific Finance, Lehman Brothers and otherLehman entities designed the Minibonds program. (Compl. ¶¶ 46, 48, 50, 82.) The details ofLehman Brothers' involvement emerged during an inquiry conducted by Hong Kong regulatoryauthorities. In that proceeding, officers of HSBC Holdings Plc ("HSBC Holdings"), thecompany at the top of the HSBC pyramid, testified that Lehman Brothers appointed HSBC Bankas trustee of the Minibonds collateral.'(Compl. ¶ 82.) Lehman Brothers also compiled theprospectus for each Minibonds series. (Compl. ¶ 82.) Pacific Finance existed only "to issue the[Minibonds]. It [was for] all intents and purposes a creature of Lehman's design .... [PacificFinance was] not an active company ... and HSBC's role as a Director [was] not an active role.. . ." (Compl. 182.) Indeed, the Complaint alleges that Lehman Brothers and LBSF, not the Issuer, "selected the collateral" for the Minibonds. (Compl. ¶ 50.)

Pacific Finance secured its obligation to pay interest to the Minibonds holdersthrough two related transactions.'First, Pacific Finance purchased notes from Saphir FinancePublic Limited Company (the "Saphir Notes"). (DN 9 Ex.1, Ex. B: Tenth Supplemental Trust

1 The Hong Kong testimony in the Complaint does not distinguish among the various HSBC andLehman entities. At times, it is difficult to discern the specific entity referenced in the testimony.

Deed ("Tenth Deed") at 1.) The Saphir Notes were placed in trust with HSBC Bank as Trustee.(Tenth Deed at 1.) Pacific Finance also executed a credit default swap agreement with LBSF.(Tenth Deed at 1; Compl. 154.) Under the credit default swap, LBSF agreed to pay PacificFinance a sum equal to what Pacific Finance owed the Minibonds holders in exchange for theinterest earned by Pacific Finance on the Saphir Notes. (Tenth Deed at 15-16.) Because LehmanBrothers and LBSF exercised control over the Minibonds program, Plaintiffs assert that LBSF"negotiate[d] with itself over the essential terms of the swap agreements." (Compl. 150.)

The Saphir Notes are governed by a principal trust deed and a supplemental trustdeed issued for each series of Minibonds. (Compl.IT84-85.) These trust deeds and theprospectuses advertising the Minibonds sale set forth the "duties and obligations" of the Trusteeand the Issuer. (Compl.~T84-87.) The trust deeds contain,inter alia,provisions governing thepriority of payment in the event the Saphir Notes are liquidated. (Compl.IT84, 90.) The partiesdisagree about the operation of these provisions and who has priority to the Saphir Notes.Choice of law provisions in the trust deeds provide that they are to be construed under Englishlaw. (DN 9 Ex. 1: Principal Trust Deed ("Principal Trust Deed"), Sec. 17(a).) The prospectusesrepresented that "neither Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliateshas any equity interest in, or any control over, us [Pacific Finance/HSBC]." (Compl. ¶¶ 84, 87.)

According to the Complaint, Pacific Finance is controlled by HSBC Bank(Cayman) Limited ("HSBC Cayman"). (Compl. 129.) In turn, HSBC Cayman is controlled byHSBC Holdings. (Compl. ¶ 31.) HSBC Holdings also controls the Trustee's predecessor,

2 Plaintiffs brought claims against other entities and individuals alleging rights to collateralpurchased as part of additional transactions. (Compl.118,32-37, 110, 118.) Because Plaintiffsdo not appeal the Bankruptcy Court's dismissal of these claims, that collateral is not at issue.

HSBC Bank USA.3(Compl. 13 1.)
Another HSBC entity---HSBC Bank Plc-filed a claim for $234 million in theLehman Bankruptcy. (DN 30 Ex. 6: Amended Schedule of Assets and Liabilities for LehmanBrothers at 3.) In addition, a Lehman Bankruptcy Examiner's report published after the orderson appeal discloses that HSBC Holdings and Lehman Brothers cooperated extensively duringLehman's collapse to ensure that Lehman Brothers satisfied its obligations to HSBC Holdings.(Report of Anton R. Valukas, Examiner, dated Mar. 11, 2010 at 1321-26.)

III.Procedural History

On October 3, 2008, LBSF filed for bankruptcy. (Counter-Designation of ItemsTo Be Included In Record On Appeal ("C-DN") 10: Supplement to Proof of Claim in Chapter 11Case of LBSF ¶ 10; Compl. ¶ 67.) Thereafter, LBSF's counsel informed HSBC Bank that anyattempt to liquidate the Saphir Notes may be subject to the automatic stay provisions of theUnited States Bankruptcy Code and demanded the Trustee cease all further action. (DN 30 Ex.5: Pls.' Opp'n to Def. [LBSF's] Mot. to Dismiss the Compl., Letter dated Nov. 25, 2008.)HSBC Bank complied.

On March 12, 2009, Plaintiffs filed an adversary proceeding in the BankruptcyCourt. Count One of the Complaint seeks a declaratory judgment that the Minibonds collateral isthe property of the Minibonds holders, not the bankruptcy estate, based on breaches of contractand fiduciary duty by the Issuer and Trustee. (Compl. ¶¶ 97-108.) Count Two seeks to enjoin LBSF and the Trustee from impairing the Minibonds collateral and requests transfer of the

3 This Court presumes that an amended complaint would include the same allegation.

collateral to the Minibonds holders. (Compl.IT109-13.) Count Three seeks a resulting orconstructive trust on the Minibonds collateral for the benefit of the Minibonds purchasers.(Compl. ¶¶ 114-21.) Finally, the remaining counts of the Complaint-Counts Four throughThirteen-assert damages claims for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence,unjust enrichment, and aiding and abetting against the Trustee, the Issuer, and the Issuer'sdirectors and parent company. (Compl. ¶¶ 122-89.)

On May 27, 2009, LBSF and HSBC Bank USA each moved to dismiss theComplaint. (DN 5: Notice of HSBC USA, Inc.'s Mot. to Dismiss the [Complaint], Abstain orStay the Adversary Proceeding; DN 9: Notice of Mot. of [LBSF] for an Order Dismissing theAdversary Compl.)

In a ruling from the bench, Bankruptcy Judge Peck dismissed the Complaint. TheBankruptcy Court dismissed Counts One through Three for lack of standing on three principalgrounds. First, relying on the trust deeds and English law, the Bankruptcy Court held thatPlaintiffs lack standing to bring a direct claim against Defendants. The relevant provisions of thetrust deeds state that "[a] person who is not a party to [the deed] has no right under the Contracts(Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 [("Contracts Act of 1999")] to enforce any term of [the deed]except and to the extent (if any) that [the deed] expressly provides for such Act to apply to any ofits terms." (Principal Trust Deed at 3; Tenth Deed at 3). The Bankruptcy Court held that"[t]hese provisions fit squarely within the tenets of governing English law," which "provides thatit is a trustee and not a beneficiary of a trust that is the appropriate party to bring an action onbehalf of the trust beneficiaries." (Tr. of Nov. 18, 2009 Hr'g (the "Bankr. Ct. Ruling") at 25.)

Second, the Bankruptcy Court held that it would be futile to allow Plaintiffs to amend the Complaint to bring a derivative claim on behalf of the Trustee. (Bankr. Ct. Ruling at26.) Construing English law, the Bankruptcy Court concluded that a trust beneficiary may stepinto the shoes of the Trustee and sue on its behalf only in special circumstances. (Bankr. Ct.Ruling at 26.) Applying this standard, the Bankruptcy Court reasoned that (i) the "mere fact thatthe trustee has not filed a lawsuit [seeking to enforce Plaintiffs' right to the Minibonds collateral]is not a sufficient `special circumstance;"' and (ii) the fact that an HSBC affiliate filed a proof ofclaim in the Lehman Bankruptcy does not establish that the Trustee is conflicted because "thereis no allegation of any actual conflict." (Bankr. Ct. Ruling at 26.)

Third, the Bankruptcy Court concluded that it would be futile to allowamendment of the Complaint to name the proper trustee-HSBC Bank-"for the reasons setforth in this ruling." (Bankr. Ct. Ruling at 22.) However, it is not apparent from the transcript ofthe ruling what those reasons were.

The Bankruptcy Court also dismissed Counts Four through Thirteen because theywere "not related to the debtors' proceedings." (Bankr. Ct. Ruling at 29.) The Bankruptcy Courtstated that an adversary proceeding is considered related to a bankruptcy case "if the outcomemight have a conceivable [e]ffect on the estate." (Bankr. Ct. Ruling at 28.) After noting thatCounts Four through Thirteen "involve tort, breach of contract and breach of fiduciary dutyclaims against various defendants, none of whom are debtors" in the Lehman Bankruptcy,(Bankr. Ct. Ruling at 27), the Bankruptcy Court held that "[i]nasmuch as Counts [Four] through[Thirteen] comprise actions governed by foreign law between two or more non-debtors, suchclaims, regardless of the outcome, will not affect the debtor's bankruptcy cases.... Resolutionof these claims will have no [e]ffect on the rights of debtors or creditors in the debtors' bankruptcy cases, nor will it have any [e]ffect on the debtors' estates." (Bankr. Ct. Ruling at 29.)DISCUSSION

1.Standard of Review

A district court reviews a bankruptcy court's findings of fact for clear error and itslegal conclusionsde novo.Fed. R. Bankr. P. 8013;In re Vouzianas,259 F.3d 103, 107 (2d Cir.2001);In re Bennett Funding Grp., Inc.,146 F.3d 136, 138 (2d Cir. 1998). The dismissal of acomplaint is a legal conclusion which is subject tode novoreview.Selevan v. N.Y. ThruwayAuth.,584 F.3d 82, 88 (2d Cir. 2009) ("We reviewde novoa district court's dismissal of acomplaint for lack of standing.");see alsoRaine v. Lorimar Prods., Inc.,71 B.R. 450, 452(S.D.N.Y. 1987) (`Because this is an appeal from [a Bankruptcy Court's] decision on a motionto dismiss for failure to state a claim, purely legal considerations are involved, and thus thiscourt's review must bedenovo.").When reviewing such a dismissal, a court "accept[s] allfactual allegations in the complaint and draw[s] all reasonable inferences in the plaintiff's favor."ATSI Commcn's, Inc. v. Shaar Fund, Ltd.,493 F.3d 87, 98 (2d Cir. 2007).

Generally, "[a] bankruptcy court's denial of a request to amend [the complaint] isreviewed for abuse of discretion."In re Calpine Corp.,406 B.R. 463, 472 (S.D.N.Y. 2009)(citingIn re Enron Corp.,419 F.3d 115, 124 (2d Cir. 2005)). However, "[i]f that denial wasbased on an interpretation of law," such as the determination that an amendment would be futile,a court employsde novoreview. SeeDougherty v. Town of N. Hempstead Bd. of ZoningAppeals,282 F.3d 83, 87 (2d Cir. 2002);see alsoRicciuti v. N.Y. City Transit Auth.,941 F.2d119, 122-24 (2d Cir. 1991) (reviewingde novothe lower court's determination that amendment would be futile).

A court "should freely give leave [to amend the Complaint] when justice sorequires." Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a)(2). Particularly where a court grants a motion to dismiss, "theusual practice is to grant leave to amend."Hayden v. Cnty. of Nassau,180 F.3d 42, 53 (2d Cir.1999).A court may deny leave to amend as futile only "if the proposed claim could notwithstand a motion to dismiss pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6)."Lucente v. Int'l Bus. Mach.Corp.,310 F.3d 243, 258 (2d Cir. 2002). Indeed, futility means that it is "beyond doubt that theplaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of his amended claims."Pangburn v. Culbertson,200 F.3d 65, 70 (2d Cir. 1999) (quotations and citations omitted).

II.Claims Against LBSF: Counts One & Two

Plaintiffs appeal the dismissal of their direct claims against LBSF and the denialof leave to replead those claims derivatively. This Court addresses Count Three of theComplaint separately for the reasons articulated in Section IV,infra.

a. Direct Claim Against LBSF

Plaintiffs appeal the Bankruptcy Court's dismissal of their direct claims againstLBSF on two principal grounds: (1) Plaintiffs have standing under English law to sue LBSFdirectly because LBSF is a co-beneficiary under the trust; and (2) the Bankruptcy Court'sreliance on the provisions of the trust deeds prohibiting non-parties from enforcing the deeds'terms was misplaced. Because Plaintiffs lack standing under English law to bring a direct claimagainst LBSF, this Court need not address Plaintiffs' second contention.

Under English law, a trustee generally has "a duty to protect and preserve the trust estate for the benefit of the beneficiaries ...."Alsop Wilkinson v. Neary,[ 1996] 1 W.L.R.1220, 1224 (Ch.). As such, "[n]ormally [it is] the trustee who has a right of action [and] is theproper person to enforce [the trust]."Hayim v. Citibank NA,[1987] A.C. 730, 733 (P.C.); seealsoAlsop,1W.L.R. at 1224 ("Trustees have a duty to ... represent the trust in a third partydispute."). Plaintiffs seek to circumvent this general principle by invoking the so-called"beneficiaries dispute" theory.Under that theory, "where the dispute is between rival claimantsto a beneficial interest in the subject matter of the trust.... the duty of the trustee is to remainneutral and ... leav[e] it to the rivals to fight their battles."Alsop,1W.L.R. at 1225.

Plaintiffsargue this theory applies here because LBSF persuaded the Bankruptcy Court that it is abeneficiary rather than a third party under the trust.

As a threshold matter, Plaintiffs mischaracterize the Bankruptcy Court's ruling.The Bankruptcy Court did not describe LBSF as a trust beneficiary. Instead, relying onGregsonv. HAE Trs. Ltd.,[2008] EWHC 1006 (Ch.), the Bankruptcy Court found that the Trustee wasthe appropriate party to bring an action on behalf of the trust beneficiaries, InGregson,a trustbeneficiary brought suit against the director of a corporate trustee for impairment of trustproperty. The beneficiary argued that a corporate trustee's claims against its directors are heldfor the trust's beneficiaries, thereby empowering them to sue directly.Gregson,EWHC 1006 at119,22.TheGreszsoncourt rejected this notion and described the general rule that "a director ofa trustee company does not owe a fiduciary duty to the beneficiary of the trust," and absent thatduty, a trust beneficiary has no direct claim against the director.Gregson,EWHC 1006 atIT44,56, 69.

As the Gregsonanalysis illustrates, the core inquiry is whether the potentially liable third party owed a duty to the trust's beneficiaries. SeeGregson,EWHC 1006 at¶T44,46, 57-58 (stating that if a direct claim against the directors was valid, it would "circumvent theclear and established principle that no direct duty is owed by the directors to the beneficiaries");see alsoRoberts v. Gill & Co,[2010] UKSC 22, ¶¶ 46, 110 (S.C.) (beneficiary sought to amendto bring a derivative claim where it was "accepted that a claim that the [third parties] owed aduty of care to the beneficiaries would be difficult to sustain").While LBSF is a party to thetrust deeds, Plaintiffs do not allege the existence of any fiduciary relationship betweenthemselves and LBSF, Accordingly, the Bankruptcy Court properly held that Plaintiffs lackstanding under English law to sue LBSF directly.

b.Derivative Claims Against LBSF

The Bankruptcy Court also concluded that re-pleading derivative claims againstLBSF would be futile because Plaintiffs cannot allege the existence of special circumstances. Inmaking this determination, the Bankruptcy Court considered Plaintiffs' allegations that theTrustee failed to bring suit against LBSF and that an HSBC entity filed a proof of claim in theLehman Bankruptcy.

Under English law, a trust beneficiary may bring a derivative suit against a thirdparty when "special circumstances" are present. The "special circumstances"rule, articulated inHayim v. Citibank NA,provides:

[A] beneficiary has no cause of action against a third party save inspecial circumstanceswhich embrace a failure, excusable orinexcusable, by the trustees to the beneficiary to protect the trustestate or to protect the interests of the beneficiary in the trustestate.Hayim,A.C. 730 at 748. The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom recently addressed the "special circumstances" rule and summarized the relevant authorities as follows:
The special circumstances which were identified in the earliestauthorities as justifying a beneficiary's action were fraud on thepart of the trustee, or collusion between the trustee and the thirdparty, or the insolvency of the trustee, but it has always been clearthat these are merely examples of special circumstances, and thatthe underlying question is whether the circumstancesaresufficiently special to make it iust for the beneficiary to have theremedy.Roberts,UKSC 22 at746, 114 (emphasis added). The Supreme Court of the United Kingdomnoted that a court has "wide latitude in evaluating ... special circumstances," taking into account"all [of] the relevant circumstances."Roberts,UKSC 22 at ¶¶ 76, 78, 114.

Through the prism of these English law principles, this Court concludes that the Bankruptcy Court erred in finding that Plaintiffs cannot allege special circumstances. Despite representations in the Minibonds prospectuses that neither Lehman Brothers nor any of itssubsidiaries exercised control over the Issuer, Lehman Brothers designed the Minibonds programand directed the Issuer's activities.As a party to the trust deeds, LSBF was substantiallyinvolved in that process. The Issuer then created a trust that, in certain circumstances, distributesits only collateral to aLehmanentity, rather than the trust'ssolebeneficiary. Juxtaposed againstthe promise that the Minibonds would be secured by highly-rated collateral, this is an odd result.SeeRoyal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v. Tan,[1995] 2 A.C. 378, 386-87 (P.C.) ("If, for his ownpurposes, a third party deliberately interferes in that relationship by assisting the trustee indepriving the beneficiary of the property held for him by the trustee, the beneficiary should beable to look for recompense to the third party as well as the trustee.");see alsoRoberts,UKSC22 at ¶¶ 46, 114 ("[T]he underlying question is whether the circumstances are sufficiently specialto make it just for the beneficiary to have the remedy.");In re Field,[ 1971 ] 1 W.L.R. 555, 561

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(Ch.)(holding that special circumstances existed and "justice require[d] that the plaintiff, who isthe only other person interested [in the property], should be allowed to have [his claim] properlytried before a court"), Furthermore, the recently released Examiner's report reveals cooperationbetween HSBC and Lehman Brothers at the highest levels during Lehman Brothers' collapse.

Given the totality of these circumstances, this Court cannot find that it is "beyond doubt that theplaintiff[s] can prove no set of facts in support of [their] amended claims."Pangburn v.Culbertson,200 F.3d 65, 70 (2d Cir. 1999).

On appeal, the parties advance arguments concerning the operation of the trustdeeds' payment priority provisions and potential class certification problems caused by asettlement arranged by Hong Kong regulatory authorities.While interesting, these arguments areextraneous to the issue of standing; they concern the merits of Plaintiffs' claims and are notbefore this Court on appeal. At this stage of the litigation, Plaintiffs should be permitted toreplead Counts One and Two as derivative claims against LBSF. The Bankruptcy Court's denialof leave to replead is reversed.

III.Claims Against the Trustee: Counts One & Two

Plaintiffs also contend that the Bankruptcy Court erred in denying leave to amendthe Complaint to name HSBC Bank as the Trustee. The Bankruptcy Court held that amendingthe Complaint would be futile for the reasons set forth in its ruling, but did not articulate thosereasons.

As an initial matter, the Bankruptcy Court's analysis of English case law ignoredthe differences between Plaintiffs' relationship with the Trustee and Plaintiffs' relationship with LBSF and the other dismissed entities. Under English law, "the basic right of a beneficiary is tohave the trust duly administered in accordance with the provisions of the trust instrument ... andthe general law."Target Holdings Ltd. v. Redferns,[1996] 1 AC 421, 434 (H.L.).When atrustee unlawfully administers the trust, a trust beneficiary may sue the trustee directly. SeeHayim,A.C. at 735 ("The beneficiaries have a right to enforce the trust directly against the ...trustee.");Bartlett v. Barclays Bank Trust Co. Ltd.,[1980] 2 W.L.R. 430, 444, 452 (Ch.)(holding a trustee liable to the trust beneficiaries for willful "breach of trust");see alsoTargetHoldings,1AC at 437 ("A trustee who wrongly pays away trust money ... commits a breach oftrust and comes under an immediate duty to remedy such breach.").

The Bankruptcy Court heldthat the trustee is the proper party to bring suit on behalf of a trust beneficiary.While that mayexplain Plaintiffs' lack of standing to sue LBSF directly, it does not resolve the issue of whethera beneficiary has standing to sue his trustee. Indeed, Counts One and Two are premised onalleged breaches of contract and fiduciary duty by the Trustee for failing to distribute the SaphirNotes to Plaintiffs.

The standing provisions of the trust deeds provide that a non-party to the trust hasno right under the Contracts Act of 1999 to enforce any of the deeds' terms.While theBankruptcy Court held that these provisions fit squarely within English law, it merely quoted theprovisions without analyzing their language or the statute on which they rely. Notably, theContracts Act of 1999 allows a non-party to a contract to enforce the contract's terms if they"purport[] to confer a benefit on him," Contracts Act of 1999, c. 31, § 1 (U.K.), but expresslystates that it does not "affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available apartfrom th[e] Act." Contracts Act of 1999, c. 31, § 7. Thus, while the trust deeds deprive Plaintiffs of rights derived from the Contracts Act of 1999, Plaintiffs may hold rights outside of the Act, anissue the Bankruptcy Court did not consider.

Finally, the Bankruptcy Court's rationale for dismissing Counts Four throughThirteen fails to render futile an amended complaint naming the correct trustee. The BankruptcyCourt reasoned that these counts involve questions of foreign law which will have no effect onthe rights of debtors or creditors in the underlying bankruptcy. The applicable rule is that "[a]proceeding is `related to' a [bankruptcy] case ... if the outcome might have a `conceivableeffect' on the estate."In re New 118th LLC,396 B.R. 885, 890 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2008) (citingIn re Cuyahoga Equip. Corp.,980 F.2d 110, 114 (2d Cir. 1992)). A conceivable effect is onewhich "could alter the debtor's rights, liabilities, options, or freedom of action (either positivelyor negatively) and which in any way impacts upon the handling and administration of thebankrupt estate."In re New 118th LLC,396 B.R. at 890 (citingIn re Pacor, Inc.,743 F.2d 984,994 (3d Cir. 1984),overruled on other grounds byThings Remembered, Inc. v. Petrarca,516U.S. 124, 134-35 (1995)). In this case, Plaintiffs seek to prevent the transfer of the SaphirNotes-worth $1.6 billion-to the bankruptcy estate. The effect of $1.6 billion on thebankruptcy estate is self-evident.Moreover, by instructing the Trustee to postpone distributionof the Saphir Notes, LBSF-not Plaintiffs-tethered the Saphir Notes to the LehmanBankruptcy. Accordingly, the Bankruptcy Court's denial of leave to replead Counts One andTwo against the Trustee is reversed.

IV.Constructive & Resulting Trust Claims: Count Three

In Count Three of the Complaint, Plaintiffs seek to impose a constructive or resulting trust on the Mimbonds collateral.While the Bankruptcy Court made a passingreference to these claims, it provided no analysis in its ruling. Understandably, the BankruptcyJudge was juggling a host of complex and urgent issues. Nonetheless, this Court cannot discernwhy the constructive and resulting trust claims were dismissed. SeeIn re Gucci,309 B.R. 679,685 (S.D.N.Y. 2004) ("This Court ... has no way of knowing whether and to what extent thedefense or elements thereof were rejected as a matter of law, [and] the reasons for any suchrejection ....").A constructive trust relies on equitable, as opposed to contractual and formaltrust, principles.See, e.g.,Counihan v. Allstate Ins. Co„194 F.3d 357, 361 (2d Cir. 1999) ("Aconstructive trust is an equitable remedy ... [whose] purpose is to prevent unjust enrichment.").Without some analysis of why standing principles derived from the trust deeds' and English lawapply to claims for a constructive or resulting trust, denial of leave to replead Count Threeagainst both the Trustee and LBSF was inappropriate. SeePanaburn,200 F.3d at 70 (denial ofleave to replead is warranted only when it is "beyond doubt that the plaintiff can prove no set offacts in support of [the] amended claims").Moreover, it is not evident whether these claims aregoverned by English law, an issue the Bankruptcy Court did not address. Accordingly, the Bankruptcy Court's dismissal of Count Three is vacated and remanded for further consideration.


For the foregoing reasons, the Bankruptcy Court's dismissal of Counts One andTwo against LBSF is affirmed, and its denial of leave to replead those claims derivatively against LBSF is reversed. The Bankruptcy Court's denial of leave to replead Counts One and Twoagainst the Trustee is reversed. The Bankruptcy Court's dismissal of Count Three is vacated.This action is remanded to the Bankruptcy Court for further proceedings consistent with thisMemorandum and Order.

Dated: August 9, 2010
New York, New York



Counsel of Record:

Jason C. Davis, Esq.
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP100 Pine Street, Suite 2600
San Francisco, CA 94111

Counsel for Appellants

Howard Grant Sloane, Esq.Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP80 Pine Street
New York, NY 10005

Counsel for the HSBC Appellees

Richard W. Slack, Esq.
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10153

Counsel for Appellee Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc.

David S. Cohen, Esq.
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
1850 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006

Counsel for Intervenor Official
Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Lehman Brothers HoldingsInc. et al.

2010年8月9日 星期一

Lehman, HSBC May Be Sued by Hong Kong Investors in New York

Aug. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and HSBC Holdings Plc may be sued over $1.6 billion in worthless securities sold to retail investors in Hong Kong, a judge in New York ruled yesterday.

U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III reversed part of a decision by Lehman’s bankruptcy judge, who threw out a suit by seven holders of structured financial notes called minibonds. The plaintiffs seek to represent a class of investors in the notes from June 16, 2003, to Sept. 15, 2008, Pauley said in his decision.

An estimated $1.8 billion of minibonds were sold to about 43,000 investors in Hong Kong, according to local regulators. Lehman’s bankruptcy in 2008 wiped out the value of the investments, resulting in protests outside bank branches that have continued even after last year’s government-brokered settlement between sellers and buyers of minibonds.

This shows that the courts around the world have investor protection at heart and investors should be protected against mis-selling by those that gain commissions from these types of investment products,” said Lewis Man, a partner at Hong Kong law firm Gall.

Hong Kong doesn’t have a mechanism for filing class action lawsuits.

David Hall, a Hong Kong-based spokesman for HSBC, didn’t immediately have a response to the ruling. Kimberly Macleod, a Lehman spokeswoman, didn’t return a voice-mail message left yesterday seeking comment.

Dismissal Reversed

In two orders, issued in November and December, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge James Peck ruled that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue and that any attempt to revise their complaint would be futile. Pauley yesterday reversed the dismissal of one count against HSBC and Lehman and permitted the plaintiffs to amend two dismissed counts.

Pacific International Finance Ltd. issued the minibonds and marketed them as linked to the credit of financially sound companies and backed by AAA-rated collateral, Pauley said. A Hong Kong regulatory investigation disclosed that Lehman designed the minibonds program, the judge said. HSBC Bank USA was selected as trustee of the collateral securing the notes, Pauley said, citing testimony in the Hong Kong proceeding.

Public outcry over the collapse of the minibonds led to street protests in Hong Kong and an investigation by regulators into how banks sold the products. The head of the city’s securities watchdog, Martin Wheatley, was called repeatedly to testify before Hong Kong’s legislature.

Two BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd. managers in June pleaded not guilty in the city’s District Court to charges of fraudulently selling minibonds. BOC Hong Kong was the biggest seller of the securities. The trial of the two employees starts in November.

Hong Kong banks offered to pay at least 60 cents on the dollar to investors in July last year as part of a buyback agreement brokered by the SFC. In an Aug. 6 press release, Hong Kong’s central bank said more than 13,000 cases were resolved by the repurchase agreement, and 179 Lehman-related complaints remain under investigation.

To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Van Voris in New York atrvanvoris@bloomberg.net; Debra Mao in Hong Kong atdmao5@bloomberg.net

2010年7月21日 星期三



(關於7月14日) 証監會及金管局與星展香港就雷曼相關Constellation 債券達成協議 (下稱協議)

是一份官商勾結, 互相卸責, 嫁禍於人的協議.

是一份不公開, 不公平, 不公正的三不公協議.

Constellation 債券受害苦主 (包括得到和解與得不到和解者)會繼續抗爭, 行動升級, 考慮對協議中某些條款進行司法覆核, 去信立法會. 請求第六次傳召星展作供. 并且追究星展銀行違反香港証監及期貨條例第107條, 欺詐地或罔顧實情地誘使他人投資金錢的罪行. 直至星展公開承認誤導, 退賠100%苦主, 100%本金.

1) 不公開

a) 協議稱: “星展香港在不承認任何責任下提出和解”, 有別於不承認任何錯失. 金管, 証監在調查過程中, 是否發現星展銀行”有錯”? 什麼錯? 必須公開.

b) 協議中, 証監會關注點的第1,2點, 可以理解為, 星展內部對星債評級有爭議, 一個評高, 一個評低. 現在看來, 評低的是錯, 評高的才對. 但錯在哪裡, 對在哪裡? 資料理據必須公開.

2) 不公平

a) 對被評為4級或5級風險類別客戶不公平

協議只說: “產品評為較高風險級別”. 但葉約德在証人陳述書14.10段寫明在2008年3月星展已將星債風險變為第5級高風險.第4級風險的客戶應該也不能買到第5級風險的產品,點解無得賠?

b) 即使被評為4或5級風險客戶,購買時見到產品風險是2而不是4或5, 難道他便不可以買低風險的產品嗎? 好像一個著名的賽車手,有一天他駕着一輛普通私家車時被其他車撞到,可否說他常常揸跑車,所以應該知駕車危險而不作賠償?當然不能,只要那宗交通意外不是他引致便有賠償。

c) 協議中証監會顧及:〝客戶若有較高的風險承受能力, 且具備衍生工具交易的經驗及知識,Constellation 債券可能本應是適合他們的投資產品”, 那麼有較高的風險承受能力, 但沒有衍生工具交易的經驗及知識的客戶便同是不適合購買星債,所以理應一樣獲得全賠。

d) 未見過有政府機構在嚴肅文件中, 採用”可能本應是”這種不定向的, 猜度的字眼, “可能是”, 亦可以”可能不是”, 50/50. 但協議則在這種靠估的前題下, 要執行一些真實的行動.太離譜.

3) 不公正

a) 單就產品風險一項而言, 星展在星債的申購表格, 白紙黑字標明: 產品風險程度2, 賣給客戶. 星展在交立法會迷你債券小經陳述書14.5段解釋原因時, 遺漏了星債掛勾公司”首先失責” (即一間死, 等於八間死晒) 為基準這一要項, 巳經違反証監及期貨條例298條, “披露虛假或具誤導性的資料以誘使進行交易的罪行. 葉約德在立法會答問, 回應債券掛勾多間公司, 說是分散風險, 也是遺漏星債”首先失責”條款. 協議又講 “星展香港另一部門曾將同一產品評為較高風險級別產品”. 是否顯示星展銀行高層自己都未明白產品結構和風險. 何況銷售員工? 不能做到”認識你的產品”, 星展巳屬違規, 如此明顯嚴重罪行, 不予揭露. 遣責, 處罰. 甚至起訴. 反而為星展開脫, 卸責, 并幫星展轉嫁損失, 轉嫁麻煩. 其實是証監知道星展有罪, 自己也難逃監管疏忽之責. 互相幫忙, 共同卸責. 對苦主太不公!

b) 星債產品風險定錯, 是銷售誤導. 理應通賠. 協議卻不賠予被星展香港列為較高風險級別客戶. (即4或5級), 要這些人經星展香港投訴處理程序逐一覆核, 真是豈有此理?! 這種先判你該死再要你自己舉証申訴方法, 不符合香港律法的”無罪推定”精神, 為此將考慮司法覆核.

c) 協議稱: 即使証監會成功對星展香港及/或其主管人員及僱員採取法律處分, 亦不能達到此協議取得結果. 講得冠冕堂皇, 其實是欺人之談. 只要金管, 証監判定星展 “失實陳述”. 根據香港法例284章, 苦主購買星債時所訂立的合約就有權撤銷. 撤銷合約, 苦主當然可以取回100%本金, 并可追討損害賠償. 百分之百苦主受惠.

d) 星展給客戶進行風險評級, 是以推銷產品為目的. 其中種種不良手法, 留待苦主向各位作証.

最後要說的是, 星展, 金管, 証監做出這樣協議, 非常不智.

(1) 時代不同了, 看一看美國政府告高盛, 高盛想和解. 除支付罰款, 還要認錯.

(2) 星展不賠給4或5級風險的客戶, 這些人會放過星展嗎? 星展有明顯的銷售誤導, 難道有人可以隻手遮天? 最後還是要賠. 不如就早點賠!

From: 2010年7月17日星債苦主記招新聞http://www.lbv.org.hk/content/pages/posts/2010E5B9B47E69C8817E697A5E6989FE582B5E88BA6E4B8BBE8A898E68B9BE696B0E8819EE7A8BF9236.php


2010年 7月 14日 新聞稿
(From: http://www.sfc.hk/sfcPressRelease/TC/sfcOpenDocServlet?docno=10PR80)










證監會行政總裁韋奕禮先生(Mr Martin Wheatley)表示:"對於從星展香港購入雷曼相關Constellation債券的全部客戶而言,是次協議為他們取得成果;對於銷售這項產品的其他銀行及中介人,這項協議提供有用的指引,有助其解決較低風險客戶的相關投訴。"





1. 星展香港是根據《證券及期貨條例》獲發牌從事第1類(證券交易)、第4類(就證券提供意見)、第6類(就機構融資提供意見)及第9類(提供資產管理)受規管活動的註冊機構。

2. Constellation債券的發行商為Constellation Investment Ltd,安排人則為星展香港的有聯繫實體DBS Bank Ltd(星展銀行有限公司)。2004年至2007年間,星展香港向香港公眾分銷了以港元或美元計值的約77個系列的Constellation債券。




3. 星展香港分銷雷曼相關Constellation債券時,根據在星展香港投資風險評估問卷上所填寫的資料,將客戶列入五大級別,第1級為保守型,第2級為穩健型,第3級為均衡型,第4級為增長型,第5級為進取型。



4. 星展香港會以每名投資雷曼相關Constellation債券的低風險客戶的名義投資總值為基準,採用星展香港就不同到期日的定期存款所支付的最高利率,即向12個月定期存款戶所支付的利率,計算出由有關雷曼相關Constellation債券的發行日開始,直至今天日期這段期間的利息。根據星展香港計算,已付予每名低風險客戶的票息,與就有關投資的上述名義價值應支付的利息之間的差額,約為1,300萬元。

5. 加強的投訴處理程序由證監會制訂,旨在確保星展香港深入覆核高風險客戶的相關交易,確保星展香港以公平合理方式處理有關這些交易的投訴。有關程序與分銷銀行根據迷你債券協議所執行的投訴處理程序相同。

6. 請按此連結閱覽有關星展香港的建議和解計劃的問題解答。

2010年6月27日 星期日




首先,迷債苦主代表的法律援助不被批准,理由竟然是該代表包括迷債購入成本在內的資產稍微超過援助標準的上限(17萬元)。 其實,迷債的價值就是算到了今天仍然無法從法律上確實,世界公認的會計審慎原則都只能將其列為損失。法律援助署的官員自己也承認此不批准理由會有很大的爭議,但這那是甚麼法律觀點的爭議,將無法確定的將來資產也列為現有資產,這猶如依據你持有明天開彩的彩券而確定你今天就是百萬富翁一樣,完全是荒唐的政治決定。


眾所周知,司法覆核是就政府的公共事務的政策、決策所進行,必然是牽連甚廣, 甚至牽連到司法體制所涵蓋的全社會。進行司法覆核是對政治尋求法律層面的裁決,而不是政治裁決。其實香港早前已有非常著明的與整個香港社會牽連甚廣案例,就是港人內地出生子女居港權的官司。終審法院並沒有就官司結果是否會對香港社會的經濟帶來嚴重影響的角度去裁決,而是從本身對基本法的理解去作出裁決,雖然事件最後由政府提請人大釋法而推翻原終審法院的裁決而結束,但終審法院的原裁決正是體現了當時參與的法官對司法獨立的堅守。如果法官也考慮社會政治因素,那麼所謂司法獨立就無存在的必要,社會的爭議就交由政治家來解決好了,要麼是通過議會決議,要麼是用革命手段推翻政府,但這決非社會之福,司法與政治應是凱撒的歸凱撒,上帝的歸上帝。





迷債回購方案的司法覆核在一波三折下還未開始就被腰斬,法官在拒絕批出司法覆核許可的判詞中大致重覆了他在聆訊上所表述的上述觀點,這只能讓人相信,法官在許可聆訊之前就已有定案, 並且充分表露在他的聆訊發言中。法官並且認為苦主如仍不滿可再向監管機構投訴,法官大人確真是上帝派來的天使,充滿了爛漫的天真,只聽監管當局一面的美言,但卻不花一點時間了解一下監管當局因忌諱本身的監管過失,而在一年多來的所謂調查是如何袒護銀行、塞責敷衍。


2010年6月10日 星期四

Goldman Sachs Hudson CDO Said to Be Target of Second SEC Probe , 高盛面臨美證監第二項調查

June 10 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s $2 billion Hudson Mezzanine collateralized debt obligation, sold in 2006, is the target of a probe by the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.

The inquiry into the CDO may not lead to any additional actions against the New York-based securities firm, said the person, who declined to be identified because the investigation isn’t public. Michael DuVally, a spokesman for Goldman Sachs, declined to comment, as did SEC spokesman John Nester. The Financial Times reported the probe yesterday.

The U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, led by Levin, released e-mails in April related to Goldman Sachs’s mortgage-linked deals, including the Hudson Mezzanine transaction. In one October 2006 e-mail, a Goldman Sachs employee describes how the Hudson deal might be viewed by investors as “junk.”

Hudson Mezzanine

The Hudson Mezzanine 2006-1 CDO contained credit default swaps that referenced $2 billion in subprime, BBB-rated residential mortgage-backed securities, according to the documents released by Levin’s committee. While Goldman Sachs selected the assets in the deal, the firm was also the only investor buying credit protection on the entire transaction , the documents show.

Goldman Sachs created and sold the Hudson CDO in late 2006, near the time documents released by Levin show senior executives wanted to reduce the firm’s exposure to subprime mortgages.

“The CDO imploded within two years. Your clients lost; Goldman profited,” Levin said in an April 27 hearing during which he questioned Goldman Sachs Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein about the Hudson deal and other CDOs. “To go out and sell these securities to people and then bet against those same securities, it seems to me, is a fundamental conflict of interest and is -- raises a real ethical issue.”

(From Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aSNYXMe69Kh8&pos=3)

信報 2010年6月11日: 高盛面臨美證監第二項調查

面臨多項調查的高盛據報正面對美國證監第二項調查,調查目標是該行二○○六年出售的二十億美元「赫德森夾層」債務抵押債券(Hudson Mezzanine CDO)。







根據參議員萊文(Carl Levin)領導的參議院常設調查小組委員會的文件,高盛這批二○○六年一級「赫德森夾層」CDO包含一批信貸違約掉期(CDS),這些CDS涉及合共二十億美元的BBB級次按抵押證券。



在該訴訟中,SEC表示,高盛及其一名職員沒有向投資者透露,對沖基金Paulson & Co.在設計該CDO及對賭那些CDO的角色。

另外,澳洲對沖基金Basis Capital周三入稟紐約曼哈頓聯邦法院,向高盛索償十億美元,指該公司購入高盛的次按證券後,被迫清盤。

Basis Capital的代表律師表示,高盛以明知錯誤的賣點推銷,強迫投資者把有毒證券的風險從賬目中撇除,是欺詐行為■

2010年6月2日 星期三

Moody's 'Gave Up Its Analytical Distinctiveness,' Ex-Employee Says

Moody's 'Gave Up Its Analytical Distinctiveness,' Ex-Employee Says

BUSINESSJUNE 2, 2010, 9:33 A.M. ET


A former Moody's Corp. lawyer who worked in the ratings firm's structured-finance group for a decade planned to tell a congressional panel that the company "gave up its analytical distinctiveness," partly by intimidating analysts who were too tough or angered influential investment bankers .

In written testimony to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Mark Froeba accused Moody's managers of having "deliberately engineered a change to its culture intended to ensure that rating analysis never jeopardized market share and revenue."

Mr. Froeba is one of three former Moody's employees set to testify Wednesday at a hearing by the bipartisan commission into the credibility of credit ratings, the investment decisions based on those ratings and their role in the financial crisis.

The New York hearing also will include billionaire Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has long owned a stake in Moody's. Mr. Buffett, who provided no prepared testimony before the hearing, was subpoenaed by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission after declining an invitation to appear voluntarily.

The 10-member panel, led by former California Treasurer Phil Angelides, is required to submit a report on its findings by Dec. 15. Four previous hearings have zeroed in on investment banks, subprime mortgages and regulatory oversight of Wall Street, financial firms and government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Wednesday's hearing is set to begin at 8:30 a.m. ET. Mr. Buffett is expected to testify at about 11:30 a.m. with Moody's Chief Executive Raymond McDaniel, who has led the ratings firm since 2005.

Mr. McDaniel, in his written testimony, told the panel how the firm has improved its internal procedures. He also emphasized the limitations of credit ratings, which focus on the risk of default on debt payments.

Still, the CEO is likely to face tough questions about why the Moody's Investors Service unit of Moody's and its two biggest rivals, the Standard & Poor's unit of McGraw-Hill Cos. and Fimalac SA's Fitch Ratings, gave Triple-A marks to thousands of mortgage-related securities that later plummeted in value and suffered sharp downgrades. The three companies generated combined revenues of $3.6 billion on bond ratings last year.

Last month, Moody's disclosed it had received notice from the Securities and Exchange Commission that the ratings firm may face an enforcement action for allegedly misleading regulators in a 2007 license application. Moody's has said it fixed issues related to the SEC's concerns and has described the problem as isolated.

In his written testimony, Mr. Froeba cited as an example of undue efforts by Moody's to preserve the firm's market share a rating of European collateralized debt obligations that was one or two notches higher than justified. Mr. Froeba is particularly critical of former Moody's President Brian Clarkson, who carried out orders from Mr. McDaniel and the company's board to make the firm more friendly and responsive to bond issuers, according to the written testimony.

Under Mr. Clarkson, analysts were forced to explain even tiny slips in market share on deals, the former Moody's lawyer told the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in his written testimony. Such pressure was a repudiation of the independence long cherished by the firm, Mr. Froeba wrote in his prepared remarks for the panel.

"I reject any suggestion … that Moody's sacrificed ratings quality in an effort to grow market share," Mr. Clarkson said in his prepared remarks submitted to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. Mr. Clarkson left Moody's in 2008 and is set to make his first public comments about the financial crisis when he testifies Wednesday afternoon.

In his prepared remarks, Mr. Clarkson told the congressional panel that he was "disappointed" in the performance of Moody's ratings. But the firm's assumptions and methodologies "were overwhelmed by the magnitude and velocity of the unprecedented economic deterioration."

Mr. Clarkson said rating firms and investors need better disclosure from issuers about structured-finance bonds, suggesting that regulators look into stronger rules for mortgage brokers and underwriters.

Ratings firms face the likelihood of toughened oversight under financial-overhaul legislation being debated this month by a conference committee of the House and Senate. The proposals include measures to make rating firms more transparent and effective, while removing some of their market clout and stripping bankers of the ability to shop around for the firm that will give the highest rating.

At Wednesday's hearing, former Moody's rating executive Gary Witt is expected to describe how he removed a legal analyst from collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs, created byGoldman Sachs Group Inc. after the securities firm asked that the analyst "not be assigned to further Goldman Sachs CDOs for the next year," according to Mr. Witt's written testimony.

Mr. Witt told the panel that he worried Goldman would complain to his superiors if he failed to do what the firm wanted, potentially costing the analyst his job. After discussing the matter with the Moody's analyst, "we both agreed that the best course of action was to comply with Goldman's request," according to Mr. Witt's testimony.

—Erik Holm in New York contributed to this article.
Write to Aaron Lucchetti at aaron.lucchetti@wsj.com

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Employees at Moody’s Investors Service told executives that issuing dubious creditworthy ratings to mortgage-backed securities made it appear they were incompetent or “sold our soul to the devil for revenue,” according to e-mails obtained by U.S. House investigators.

“The story of the credit rating agencies is a story of colossal failure,” Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, said at the hearing. “The result is that our entire financial system is now at risk.”…

Former executives from S&P and Moody’s told lawmakers today that credit raters relied on outdated models in a “race to the bottom” to maximize profits.

2010年5月13日 星期四

Bank probes expanding with new investigation


Bank probes expanding with new investigation

(Reuters) - U.S. authorities are expanding their probes of past mortgage securities deals, with New York's attorney general opening an investigation into whether eight banks misled rating agencies, a source familiar with the matter said.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office on Wednesday served subpoenas on four U.S. banks and four European lenders, the source said.

Cuomo is targeting Citigroup, Credit Agricole, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Morgan Stanley, UBS and Merrill Lynch, now owned by Bank of America, the source said.

The investigation comes as Wall Street and major banks around the world are attracting scrutiny from regulators stemming from transactions that occurred in the run-up to the subprime mortgage meltdown and financial crisis.

The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday reported that U.S. federal prosecutors, working with securities regulators, were conducting a preliminary criminal probe into whether four banks misled investors about their roles in mortgage bond deals.

The banks under early-stage criminal scrutiny are JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and UBS, the newspaper reported on its website, citing a person familiar with the matter.

The banks have also received civil subpoenas from the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission as part of a sweeping investigation of banks' selling and trading of mortgage-related deals, the report said.

A spokesman for JPMorgan told the Journal the bank had not been contacted by federal prosecutors and was not aware of any criminal investigation. The other banks either declined comment or were not immediately available.


《紐約 時報》引述消息人士稱,紐約司法部門正調查8間銀行,是否向評級機構,提供誤導資料,提升次按產品評級。

消息人士稱,紐約檢察總長安德魯已向8間華爾街大行,發出傳票,進行調查,涉及銀行包括高盛、摩根士丹利 、花旗、瑞信、德銀、美林 、瑞銀及東方匯理等。

美國 證券交易委員會已民事起訴高盛,涉嫌隱瞞資料,誤導客戶。而紐約今次的調查則擴大至8間銀行,不單只涉及銀行與客戶的交易,而是涉及銀行與評級機構的關係。

當局將集中調查銀行在樓市大跌前,如何向評級機構提供資料,影響他們的按揭產品評級。市場一直批評評級機構,未能正確評價有關次按產品,令投資者受損。 涉及的標級機構包括標普、穆迪及惠譽國際。

'Out of thin air': Synthetic CDOs, inflated the credit bubble

From Marketwatch:

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The securities at the crux of the Securities and Exchange Commission's case against Goldman Sachs Group Inc. inflated the credit bubble, leaving even more losses when it popped, structured-finance experts and investors said in the wake of the recent civil-fraud charge against the investment bank.

"Derivatives and synthetic securities have been used to create imaginary value out of thin air," George Soros, chairman of $27 billion hedge-fund firm Soros Fund Management, wrote in a column posted on his Web site last week.

"More triple-A CDOs were created than there were underlying triple-A assets. This was done on a large scale in spite of the fact that all of the parties involved were sophisticated investors," he added. "The process went on for years, and culminated in a crash that caused wealth destruction amounting to trillions of dollars. It cannot be allowed to continue."

"Synthetic CDOs should be abolished," Janet Tavakoli, a structured-finance specialist who wrote a book about CDOs in 2003, said in a recent interview. "They're too complex and provide no real benefit. They only existed to game the system or hide losses."

The SEC alleged that Goldman Sachs (GS 147.20, +5.23, +3.68%) didn't tell investors in a synthetic CDO called Abacus 2007-AC1 that hedge-fund firm Paulson & Co. helped structure the deal, and also was betting against it. Goldman and Paulson have denied wrongdoing.

Because they weren't based on real assets, such investments were tricky to value. When the housing market collapsed, the existence of such hard-to-value securities in the financial system caused havoc as counterparties struggled to find out who had lost money.

Fabrice Tourre, the Goldman banker named in the SEC's case, described such problems in a January 2007 email, just as the subprime-mortgage meltdown was gaining steam.

"I'm trading a product which a month ago was worth $100 and which today is worth $93 and which on average is losing 25 cents a day," Tourre wrote, according to recent Goldman disclosures.

"When I think that I had some input into the creation of this product (which by the way is a product of pure intellectual masturbation, the type of thing which you invent telling yourself: 'Well, what if we created a 'thing', which has no purpose, which is absolutely conceptual and highly theoretical and which nobody knows how to price?') it sickens the heart to see it shot down in mid-flight," Tourre added in the email.


Synthetic CDOs sat at the end of a long chain of boom-time transactions that began with the origination of mortgages and other loans. These assets were packaged up by investment banks and sold as asset-based securities, including residential mortgage-backed securities, or RMBS.

CDOs were created by taking pieces of RMBS and other securities, packaging them up again and reselling them.

Demand for such investments was so strong during the credit boom that there weren't enough underlying assets to build new ones. So Wall Street came up with a way of creating CDOs that didn't need actual assets.

The result was synthetic CDOs. These are formed by writing credit-default swaps on bits of RMBS and other asset-backed securities. (These swaps pay out in the event of default.) Once enough of these derivatives contracts were written, investment banks bundled them up into new CDOs and sold them.

More than $110 billion worth of synthetic CDOs were sold in 2006 and 2007, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Raynes, who used to work at Moody's Investors Service (MCO 22.29, +0.53, +2.44%) and co-authored a book on structured finance, said the rating agency put AAA ratings on many parts of CDOs, giving investors the confidence they needed to buy the products.

"You needed a third party to analyze the structures," he added. "That's what provided the value for these deals."

2010年5月2日 星期日

(信報轉載) 高院否決雷曼苦主司法覆核

高院否決雷曼苦主司法覆核 - 2010年5月1日












2010年4月18日 星期日

Goldman Abacus, DBS Constellation Notes & Lehman Minibond, 高盛ABACUS, 雷曼迷債/ 星展星債

From the news:

“The product was new and complex but the deception and conflicts are old and simple,”
SEC Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami said in the statement.

The SEC alleged that Goldman did not tell investors "vital information" about the CDO , called ABACUS. This included that a major hedge fund, Paulson & Co, was involved in choosing which securities would be part of the portfolio, and had taken a short position against the CDO in a bet its value would fall.


[ it provided “extensive disclosure” to IKB and ACA about the risk of the underlying mortgage securities. ]

高盛的客戶是機構投資者,是真正的經驗投資者了!高盛給這些大客戶們提供了跟 CDO 相關的詳細披露。唯一沒有給這些機構投資者提供的信息是產品的對家以及銷售該產品的真正原由。

類似的 合成CDO 產品 賣給 機構投資者的時候, DBS / 雷曼 的做法也是跟高盛一樣,給機構投資者們提供跟 CDO 相關的詳細披露 “extensive disclosure” 的。可是,當DBS / 雷曼 把 合成CDO 產品 打包成 面向零售銀行客戶們的信贷挂钩产品的時候,DBS / 雷曼 給客戶們提供了些甚麼披露呢?

DBS Constellation / 雷曼迷債 的投資者都是零售銀行的客戶。關於 Constellation Notes / 迷債 underlying securities “合成CDO”得到些甚麼披露呢? 是否需要得到 (如其它機構投資者們一樣)同等程度的 “extensive disclosure” ?

DBS Constellation Notes 章程 / 雷曼迷債章程 對於其 underlying securities 可是甚麼具體披露都沒有啊!

雷曼迷債章程提到 迷債抵押品為 3A 評級,提到了“合成CDO”這個名詞而毫无任何解释,尽管迷债章程有关于债券的解释。看来雷曼迷债章程制作人认为迷债章程读者有必要了解何为债券,却无必要了解新产品“合成CDO”的特征。對於迷債 underlying securities (所謂的迷債抵押品 “合成CDO”) 可是甚麼解释和具体披露都沒有啊!更不要提“extensive disclosure” 了!此处暫且不論跟迷債的“合成CDO”的起因(終極買賣對手)有關的信息。暫且不論披露 Underlying Securities 的起因(終極對手) 有關的信息.

DBS Constellation Notes 章程 提到 抵押品為 3A 評級,卻根本不提這抵押品究竟為何類產品,連“合成CDO”都欠奉。以 3A 評級 來帶過這抵押品實為另一層信貸掛鈎產品的實質。3A 評級 是 DBS Constellation Notes 投資者們 得到的 關於 抵押品 的 披露。

“3A 評級 ” 是 跟 “合成CDO”相關的唯一「關鍵信息」嗎? “3A 評級 ” 是 客戶們 應該得到的 關於星展星債 的 唯一「關鍵信息」嗎? 為甚麼 Constellation Notes 投資者們沒有(如其它非機構投資者們一樣)得到通常應該得到的關於“合成CDO”的「關鍵信息」??

DBS 可是 Constellation Notes 的 策劃/設計者,安排者和 銷售銀行。還有誰可以比DBS更清楚Constellation Notes 的 underlying securities 的 本質和相關風險了呢?

("金融改革的終局" - Paul Krugman)

衍生工具複雜且深藏危險,迷債 / 星債 之設計者和銀行分銷商都是金融界的專業人員,更是深明此理。



DBS Constellation Notes 可不是只發行了一個系列的產品,Constellation Notes 是以類似的結構,從2003至2007年間發行了的諸多個系列的產品!Constellation Notes 章程對於其underlying securities 一貫是甚麼具體披露都沒有!是太複雜而無法披露,還是太嚇人而不想披露给投资者知道?

星展 自稱有指引,認為對職員的培訓和銷售上無系統失誤。請 星展:
- 把它給銀行職員的相關產品的培訓指引(產品的主要風險特徵等)公佈於眾,
- 把它給銀行職員的相關產品的銷售指引公佈於眾,

對於迷債這麼個複雜的產品,香港證監會不但不敢指出迷債章程的誤導欺騙性,證監會調查報告第一強調的就是迷債章程寫了“本產品不保本”!! 完全不敢指出章程裡完全沒有披露的迷債的合成CDO 的相關信息!完全不敢指出迷債的合成CDO是關乎迷債風險和價值的「關鍵信息」。 證監會卻為迷債章程辯護:指出迷債合成 CDO有了3A 評級的信息就足以。

迷債可不是只發行了一個系列的產品,迷債是以類似的結構,從2003至2008年間發行了的36個系列的產品!迷債章程對於其underlying securities (所謂的迷債抵押品 “合成CDO”) 是甚麼disclosure都沒有!


雷曼夢魘將醒乎? 雷曼事件之真相研究報告-1
解構迷你債券結構 -比較三種結構式產品的披露水平: 雷曼事件之真相研究報告-4 , & 雷曼事件之真相研究報告-5
披露為本: 雷曼事件之真相研究報告-6

雷曼骗局之根源 Root Cause of Lehman Minibond Fraud;監管機構 身兼金融騙局共謀者

Related readings:
Report on the Lehman-related Securities (1);
Report on the Lehman-related Securities (3);
Report on the Lehman-related Securities (5): II. Dissecting the ‘Piggybacked Structure’;
Report on the Lehman-related Securities (8);
Report on the Lehman-related Securities (9);
Report on the Lehman-related Securities (10);
Report on the Lehman-related Securities (11): III. Disclosure-based Regulation;

Bloomberg: Abacus Let Goldman Shuffle Mortgage Risk Like Beads

April 17 (Bloomberg)

-- From July 2004 through April 2007, as credit markets boomed, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. created 23 financial transactions called Abacus, the word for a relatively crude counting tool involving the shuffling of beads.

Yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission sued the bank for securities fraud in what would be the penultimate offering in the series, according to Bloomberg data.

The bank used the deals to off-load the risk of mostly subprime home loans and commercial mortgages to investors, either as hedges for similar positions or to bet against securities itself. While the data show New York-based Goldman Sachs issued at least $7.8 billion of Abacus notes, the risk passed to investors was multiples higher.

The Abacus transactions are so-called synthetic collateralized debt obligations, which marry two financial innovations that contributed to the worst collapse in financial markets since the Great Depression.

“Investors needed to ask some questions about synthetics they didn’t need to ask with other CDOs,” Joseph Mason, a finance professor at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, said in a telephone interview.

The financial tools, often called technologies, are credit- default swaps, used to transfer the risk of losses on debt, and securitization, used to slice the risk in a pool of assets into various new securities.

Abacus deals were filled with default swaps that offered payouts to Goldman Sachs if certain mortgage bonds didn’t pay as promised, in return for regular premiums from the bank.

Upfront Cash
Some of the cash needed for the potential payouts to Goldman Sachs would be raised upfront, and essentially placed in escrow, from sales of Abacus CDO notes with varying ratings. The grades were tied to how many of the underlying securities needed to default before the CDO classes would.

Such securitization enabled debt with the lowest investment-grade ratings to be transformed, in part, into AAA securities that turned out to not be as safe as that ranking suggested. At least $5 billion of Abacus slices now carry junk ratings, below BBB-, from Standard & Poor’s, or have defaulted, Bloomberg data show.

The SEC said that Goldman Sachs created and sold Abacus 2007-AC1 without disclosing that hedge fund Paulson & Co. helped pick the underlying securities and also bet the CDO would default. Paulson was proved correct, and his hedge fund eventually turned a $1 billion profit and CDO investors lost a similar amount, according to the SEC.

ACA Management

The deal was different from most Abacus CDOs in that Goldman Sachs said that a third-party, ACA Management LLC, was choosing the underlying debt instead of the bank itself, according to prospectuses.

At least $192 million of the debt was granted top grades by credit-rating companies, and an additional $1.1 billion was supposedly even safer, according to Bloomberg data. The latter, super-senior portions were derivatives and not securities.

“This would never have been possible if the ratings had been correct,” said Gene Phillips, director of PF2 Securities Evaluations, a New York-based advisory firm. “For these trades to come out so well for Paulson, the ratings agencies would not have been able to identify as well as Paulson did that these were crappy assets.”
Synthetic CDOs

An explosion in synthetic CDOs began in December 1997, with the first of the so-called BISTRO deals created by a predecessor to JPMorgan Chase & Co.. The transaction involved the bank laying off some of $9.7 billion of its risk tied to financing for 307 companies, according to “Fool’s Gold,” a book by Gillian Tett (Free Press, 2009).

Shortly after that, JPMorgan helped Bayerische Landesbank of Germany unload the risk of $14 billion of U.S. mortgages and then completed one more mortgage-linked BISTRO transaction, before stepping out of the market for home-loan deals because it couldn’t get comfortable assessing the risk it needed to retain amid a lack of historical data on how the debt would perform, according to the book.

UBS AG, in a series called North Street from at least 2000 through at least 2005, and Deutsche Bank AG, through its Start program in at least 2005 and 2006, also issued synthetic CDOs tied to mortgages, according to Bloomberg data. Doug Morris, a spokesman for Zurich-based UBS, and Renee Calabro, a spokeswoman for Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank, declined to comment.

Goldman’s Role

In 2006 and 2007, the distinction between synthetic mortgage-bond CDOs and “cash” ones, or those made only of actual debt, broke down as “hybrid” deals, filled with both securities and credit swaps, began to dominate the market, meaning that almost every major bank was underwriting CDOs filled in part with their own bets against homeowners.

Investors “came to Goldman Sachs and other financial intermediaries to establish long and short exposures to the residential housing market,” and the bank’s protection against home-loan bond defaults represented a way to offset risk it took on by selling the opposite position to clients, Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein said in the company’s annual report.

In 2006 and 2007, when the residential and commercial mortgages with the highest default rates now were made, the bank created more than $4 billion of Abacus notes, Bloomberg data show.

That figure doesn’t reflect the fact that banks such as Goldman Sachs often would retain some of the slices they created. The bank said in a statement yesterday that it lost $90 million on the transaction the SEC sued it over. The $7.7 billion in Abacus CDOs doesn’t include most of the so-called super-senior tranches that were supposedly safer even than AAA debt. Super-senior transactions were often private.


For instance, with Abacus 2005-3, initially 68 percent linked to subprime-mortgage securities, Goldman planned to create a $1 billion super-senior class along with $825 million of notes, according to a May 10, 2005, preliminary term sheet. Super-senior classes, or those in which the cash that would be potentially paid out to Goldman Sachs wasn’t collected upfront, often made up larger portions of the deals.

American International Group Inc., the insurer whose mortgage losses led to its need for a U.S. bailout, took on the super-senior risk on the 2005-3 deal, along with six others, according to an internal memo posted on CBS News’s Web site.
That included the last Abacus deal, which priced April 17, 2007, and focuses on commercial-mortgage securities, Bloomberg data show. Its most-senior class below the super-senior one is now rated CCC by Fitch Ratings, its third-lowest level.
$6 Billion

AIG guaranteed $6 billion through Abacus deals, a person with knowledge of the matter said this month. That figure shrank to $4.3 billion by November 2008 as some of the mortgages linked to the derivatives were repaid or refinanced, the person said.
The insurer last year terminated about $3 billion of the swaps with Goldman Sachs that made up the super-seniors, resulting in $1.5 billion to $2 billion of realized losses, said the person, who declined to be identified because the specific transactions weren’t disclosed. AIG, based in New York, has about $1.3 billion in remaining swaps tied to the CDOs, the person said.
The swaps weren’t included in AIG’s 2008 government rescue because they insured pools of derivative bets, rather than actual securities. AIG and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York retired $62.1 billion in swaps by fully reimbursing bank counterparties in exchange for obtaining the securities, which are held in a taxpayer-funded vehicle called Maiden Lane III.
Other CDOs

Still, some Abacus classes are in Maiden Lane III, because they’re held by other CDOs. One is Davis Square III, a CDO underwritten by Goldman Sachs in 2004 and managed by TCW Group Inc. that bought $24 million of Abacus slices, including some created after Davis Square III was, according to Moody’s Investor Service reports.
Erin Freeman, a spokeswoman for TCW, a unit of Paris-based Societe Generale, said none of the CDOs managed by TCW purchased the Abacus deal at the center of the SEC suit.

The holdings of CDOs by other CDOs mean that some bond buyers and insurers may not know they’re exposed to Abacus deals. Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, the bank now controlled by the U.K. government, was the bigger loser in the deal in which the SEC alleges Paulson & Co. was involved, paying out $840.9 million to Goldman Sachs in 2008, most of which it then passed to Paulson’s hedge fund, according to the SEC complaint.

Even as subprime defaults soared in 2007, more than $1.1 trillion of CDOs were created, about the same as in 2006, according to JPMorgan data. The figures, which also include CDOs backed by assets such as buyout loans and bank capital securities, include unfunded super-senior classes. Funded issuance totaled about $1.05 trillion during those two years.
New Investments

Some of Goldman’s Abacus CDOs were “static,” meaning the portfolio of securities they referenced didn’t change over time, while others allowed for reinvestment into different investments as initial holdings paid down, with Goldman choosing the new securities.

That’s partly because investors including Dusseldorf, Germany-based IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG, a buyer of part the CDO the SEC is suing over, asked for the reinvestment because they would be given higher yields, a person familiar with the matter said earlier this year.

‘Inferior Quality’

A dispute over replacement collateral involving UBS landed in New York Supreme Court in 2008. Hamburg-based HSH Nordbank AG, the world’s biggest shipping financier, said in a complaint that UBS had been “deliberately selecting inferior quality” assets for a synthetic CDO called North Street 2002-4.

Goldman Sachs may have lost money on Abacus 2007-AC1 because in at least some Abacus deals, the bank used the cash raised from note sales, which would be owed to either the owners or itself, to buy securities including AAA-rated mortgage bonds and CDOs, according to Fitch and Moody’s Investors Service.

It then guaranteed that, in most cases, it would buy the escrow account securities at face value if needed to pay the owners of the Abacus notes, unless those escrow holdings defaulted, according to the rating firms’ reports. Declines in the value of the purchased securities could limit how much Goldman Sachs could pay itself.

Bloomberg: Abacus Let Goldman Shuffle Mortgage Risk Like Beads

2010年4月16日 星期五

How the Synthetic CDO "Abacus" was set up

The Abacus transactions are so-called synthetic CDO.

Abacus deals were filled with default swaps that offered payouts to Goldman Sachs if certain mortgage bonds didn’t pay as promised, in return for regular premiums from the bank.

Such securitization enabled debt with the lowest investment-grade ratings to be transformed, in part, into AAA securities that turned out to not be as safe as that ranking suggested. At least $5 billion of Abacus slices now carry junk ratings, below BBB-, from Standard & Poor’s, or have defaulted, Bloomberg data show.

The SEC said that Goldman Sachs created and sold Abacus 2007-AC1 without disclosing that hedge fund Paulson & Co. helped pick the underlying securities and also bet the CDO would default. Paulson was proved correct, and his hedge fund eventually turned a $1 billion profit and CDO investors lost a similar amount, according to the SEC

From Bloomberg http://mobile.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=2065100&sid=aMVnYAF6bYCw

“The SEC’s charges are completely unfounded in law and fact and we will vigorously contest them and defend the firm and its reputation,” Goldman Sachs said in a statement today.

The firm put together the Abacus deal in 2007, a year in which Goldman Sachs earned a then-record $11.6 billion, a figure it surpassed in 2009, when it earned $13.4 billion. Goldman Sachs paid Blankfein $68.5 million for 2007 -- $600,000 in salary, plus a $67.9 million bonus.

According to the SEC’s complaint, Tourre, now 31, sent an e-mail to a friend in January 2007 saying, “The whole building is about to collapse” in reference to CDOs tied to subprime mortgages.

‘Fabulous Fab’

“Only potential survivor, the fabulous Fab standing in the middle of all these complex, highly leveraged, exotic trades he created without necessarily understanding all of the implications of those monstrousities!!!” Tourre wrote in the e- mail, according to the SEC. The agency didn’t identify the recipient of the note.

Reached at his London office today, Tourre declined to comment. “I need to jump, thank you, goodbye,” he told Bloomberg News before hanging up. A call to Pamela Chepiga , a lawyer for Tourre at Allen & Overy LLP, wasn’t returned. Tourre, a graduate of Ecole Centrale Paris, one of France’s top engineering schools, and Stanford University, joined Goldman Sachs in July 2001, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Goldman Sachs and Tourre knew it would be difficult, if not impossible, to sell the CDO if they disclosed to investors that Paulson played a significant role in selecting the collateral and was also betting against it, the SEC said.

‘Surreal’ ACA Meeting

The bank also knew that at least one potential investor, Dusseldorf, Germany-based IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG , wasn’t likely to invest in a CDO that didn’t have a collateral manager to analyze and select the portfolio, according to the complaint.

In January 2007, Goldman Sachs approached ACA Management LLC , a firm that analyzes credit risk, to select the portfolio for a CDO transaction sponsored by Paulson. In an internal memo on March 12, 2007, Goldman said it would “leverage ACA’s credibility and franchise” to help distribute the transaction, the SEC said.

Paulson, Tourre and a representative from ACA met in February 2007 to discuss assets that would be included in the residential-mortgage backed security, the SEC said. While Paulson and Tourre knew Paulson intended to short the security, ACA wasn’t in the loop.

“I am at this ACA meeting,” Tourre wrote in an e-mail to an unidentified Goldman Sachs employee during the meeting. “This is surreal.”

Goldman’s ‘Extensive Disclosure’

Goldman Sachs also said that it lost more than $90 million because it had an investment in the deal, overwhelming the $15 million it made in fees. The firm said it provided “extensive disclosure” to IKB and ACA about the risk of the underlying mortgage securities. Goldman Sachs never told ACA that Paulson was going to be a “long” investor in Abacus, and ACA selected the underlying securities, the firm said.



合成 CDO "Abacus" 有 AAA的評級,不需要多講其它,風險披露也講了“本產品不保本”,這就是足夠的風險披露了, 就是[“vital information" about the CDO]了,不需要披露其它甚麼 [“vital information" about the CDO], 況且買家(投資者)是專業機構投資者。
看看我们香港的银行散户是什么水平。银行,雷曼亚洲以及有关的人员和机构都是只要跟散户讲雷曼迷债/星展Constellation Notes /大摩精明债券是 ’跟几个著名公司信贷挂钩,本产品不保本。抵押品是 AAA的評級‘ 就足够了! 根本不需要解释产品的抵押品的实质,特征以及具体详情呢!抵押品实为跟100多个公司信贷挂钩以及挂钩公司的信息都是多余,是不需要的信息!

什么是 “vital information" about 雷曼迷债/星展Constellation Notes /大摩精明债券? ‘ ’跟几个著名公司信贷挂钩,本产品不保本。’就是 “vital information" !

我们香港的银行散户就都会完全明白这雷曼迷债/星展Constellation Notes /大摩精明债券的真实特征和重大风险了。

Related reading:
SEC Sues Goldman Sachs, Alleging Fraud in CDO Tied to Subprime

SEC Sues Goldman Sachs, Alleging Fraud in CDO Tied to Subprime

1. SEC Sues Goldman Sachs, Alleging Fraud in CDO Tied to Subprime
By Gregory Mott

April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. was sued by U.S. regulators for fraud tied to collateralized debt obligations that contributed to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The firm’s shares tumbled as much as 16 percent and financial stocks slumped.

Goldman Sachs misstated and omitted key facts about a financial product tied to subprime mortgages as the U.S. housing market was starting to falter, the Securities and Exchange Commission said in a statement today. The SEC also sued Fabrice Tourre, a Goldman Sachs vice president.

“The product was new and complex but the deception and conflicts are old and simple,” SEC Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami said in the statement. “Goldman wrongly permitted a client that was betting against the mortgage market to heavily influence which mortgage securities to include in an investment portfolio, while telling other investors that the securities were selected by an independent, objective third party.”

The SEC alleged that Goldman Sachs, led by Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein, 55, structured and marketed CDOs that hinged on the performance of subprime mortgage-backed securities. The New York-based firm failed to disclose to investors that hedge fund Paulson & Co. was betting against the CDO, known as Abacus, and influenced the selection of securities for the portfolio, the SEC said. Paulson wasn’t accused of wrongdoing.

Financial Stocks Slump

A gauge of banks and brokerages in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index sank 3.9 percent for the top loss among 24 groups after the SEC announced its action. Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. lost at least 3.5 percent as all 27 companies in the S&P 500 Diversified Financial Index declined.

“This gave the politicians everything they need to push for stronger financial reform and it’s going to further shake investor confidence in Wall Street,” said Matthew McCormick, a banking-industry analyst and portfolio manager at Bahl & Gaynor Inc. in Cincinnati, which oversees $2.8 billion.

2. Goldman Sachs charged with fraud by SEC
NEW YORK, Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:05am EDT

(Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc was charged with fraud on Friday by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the structuring and marketing of a debt product tied to subprime mortgages.

The SEC alleged that Goldman structured and marketed a synthetic collateralized debt obligation that hinged on the performance of subprime residential mortgage-backed securities, and which cost investors more than $1 billion.

It alleged that Goldman did not tell investors "vital information" about the CDO, called ABACUS. This included that a major hedge fund, Paulson & Co, was involved in choosing which securities would be part of the portfolio, and had taken a short position against the CDO in a bet its value would fall.

According to the SEC complaint, Paulson & Co paid Goldman $15 million to structure the CDO, which closed on April 26, 2007. Little more than nine months later, 99 percent of the portfolio had been downgraded, the SEC said.

The SEC said Goldman Vice President Fabrice Tourre was principally responsible for creating ABACUS. It also charged him with fraud.

3. 美證監控高盛欺詐 累投資者損失10億美元



證交會稱,保爾森公司07年向高盛支付約1500萬美元的設計和行銷費用,安排交易。購入CDO的為2間歐洲銀行,當中荷蘭銀行(ABN Amro)損失了8.41億美元,另1間德國銀行IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG則損失1.5億美元。
遭到起訴的還有高盛副總裁陶爾(Fabrice Tourre),他涉嫌在美國樓市開始下跌時,透過不實陳述及隱瞞與次按相關事宜,欺騙投資者,應對事件負主要責任。

美國證監法規執行部董事Robert Khuzami認為,有關產品是創新及複雜的,但是其原理卻很簡單;高盛則誤導客戶相信有關產品涉及的次按證券是由獨立第三者ACA所揀選,事實上有關證券是一名對沖基金巨擘所選擇

My Comments:

(a) The Lehman Minibond sold in Hong Kong, was arranged by Lehman Brothers Asia, the CDO & Structured Credit Group headed by Leon Hindle.

Why did Mr. Leon Hindle lie about the purpose of the CDS which was actually the underlying securities for a Minibond Series ?

雷曼亚洲安排了迷债及迷债最为隐藏之部分:合成CDO。雷曼亚洲让迷债发行商Pacific International Finance (汇丰所属)买入雷曼自己安排的合成CDO("Septermber 25, 2006 Derivatives Week")。雷曼亚洲之结构产品部门主管 Leon Hindle 却在新闻发布上讲:此产品是“通过直接销售和第三者分销商卖给各类投资者”。

Leon Hindle 掩盖了此产品其实是作为迷债抵押品, 100%全數直接卖给Pacific International Finance的事实。掩盖了此产品是为迷债抵押品而设计的事实, 掩盖了此产品跟雷曼迷你债券的关系。 掩盖了雷曼一手操纵此产品之买卖双方之事实。

A deception ?

(b) When banks in Hong Kong selling Minibond to their retail clients,

- did banks / banks staff tell clients ''vital information" about the so-called Minibond collateral (or: Minibond underlying securities) which is essentially another layer of credit-linked products?

- did banks tell banks staff ''vital information" about the so-called Minibond collateral (or: Minibond underlying securities) which is essentially another layer of credit-linked products, during banks training session /or banks guidance on the related products?

2010年4月9日 星期五

Citi Offers To Buy Back Lehman Notes Sold To Spanish Clients

8 Apr 2010

MADRID -(Dow Jones)- Citigroup Inc. said Thursday it has agreed to buy back structured notes created by Lehman Brothers and sold to clients in Spain that later became nearly worthless when Lehman went bankrupt.

The New York bank's Spanish unit, Citibank Espana SA, is offering 55% of the nominal value of the EUR78 million it sold in Lehman notes, according to a press release.
Hundreds of clients that purchased the securities from Citi sued the bank in Spanish courts on charges that it sold a high-risk product aggressively to retail investors without adequately explaining the risks.

"It was sold as an alternative to long-term deposits, as a secure financial product," said Jordi Ruiz de Villa, a partner at Barcelona law firm Jausas, who together with Madrid law firm Zunzunegui advised 122 clients in the case against Citibank.

Ruiz de Villa said the Lehman products have a market value of somewhere between 20% and 30% of their nominal value.

Citi isn't the only bank in Spain that sold these products. Last month, Bankinter SA (BKT.MC) was ordered by a Spanish court to compensate some of the clients that bought Lehman Brothers products through the bank. Bankinter has said it will appeal.
According to Jausas' Ruiz de Villa, Deutsche Bank AG (DBK.XE) and Credit Suisse Group (CS) are also facing lawsuits for the sale of similar products to Spanish clients.

-By Christopher Bjork, Dow Jones Newswires ; 34 91 395 8123;

"News Citi Offers To Buy Back Lehman Notes Sold To Spanish Clients"from Morningstar

2010年4月6日 星期二

(转载)遲來的正義 -- 作者: 老馬


警方在有數千人報案後的一年多才有所行動,可以說是太遲了。但遲了,總比完全不執法進步。無論政府如何想掩蓋事實真相,但真相被完全揭發只是時間的遲早;『證券及期貨條例』早已立法,雷曼苦主對法例的覺悟也只是時間的遲早。 警方的動作究竟是對此有所警醒,還是政府的政治算計,都不重要,因為正義總會到來。


『證券及期貨條例』第107條正是針對那些罔顧自己職責及道德責任的專業從業員,並非只是故意的欺詐才負上刑責,罔顧職責,罔顧實情的失實陳述也屬犯罪。 雷曼事件對香港的警示也正在於此:在過去數年,銀行業大規模擴充證券業務,但無論從監管當局,到銀行高層,到前線員工,都罔顧現行的法律,罔顧道德規範,大規模地違反專業操守,造成的大規模的傷害。但非常令人憤慨的是,香港政府為了掩蓋少數人的失職,僅將事件定性為商業糾紛,而沒有真正吸取事件的教訓,採取措施糾正錯誤,平復社會創傷。



雷曼苦主申請覆核 團體發動簽名支持

1. 雷曼苦主申請覆核 團體發動簽名支持 04 Apr 2010 [大公報]





2. 雷曼苦主興訟籌得90萬 04 Apr 2010 [星島日報]









2010年3月28日 星期日

[星島日報] 雷曼苦主申司法覆核 法庭未決定是否受理








4萬購迷債 婦拒回購方案





整合自:2010年3月23日(二) 星島日報 A19版

2010年3月1日 星期一

獨立機構保障消費者 (选自 "金融改革的終局")

"金融改革的終局" - Paul Krugman 2010年3月2日



曾積極要求前聯儲局主席格林斯平(Alan Greenspan)對付有害貸款的已故聯儲局理事格拉姆利赫(Edward Gramlich),在2007年完美地簡述了相關理據:



原因不難理解。有人認為保障消費者的工作可以、並應該由聯儲局來做,或是如一個目前看來不太可能實現的妥協方案中所提到的──或財政部屬下一個單位處理。但要記得,不久之前,格林斯平是聯儲局主席,而斯諾(John Snow)是財長。理據再明顯不過了。在未來可能出現的反監管管治下──相信我,金融說客的影響力如此大,將來是會有這種政府的──消費者唯一得到保護的方法是由一個只是為了監管銀行操守而存在的機構。




迷债系列6寫明保本跟150 個公司信貸掛鈎, 利息為 5%。這個高息跟150 個公司信貸掛鈎:6 個或以上信貸事件:利息為 0。

2003年9月銷售的系列6 之之銷售結果是最差的,僅為 4百75 萬美金。
於同年6月發行的系列 5 之 銷售總額 是 過了 1千萬 美金。
於同年11 月發行的系列 7 的 銷售總額則 是多達 4千 6百 多萬 美金。
於次年2004年5月發行的系列10 的 銷售總額也是多達 是 4千4百多萬美金。

系列6 之年息卻是最高的,利息為 5%。兩年期,2005年9月到期。
而系列5 的 利息僅是 3。8%,
系列 7 的利息只是 4。2%,
系列 10 的美元系列利息也是: 4。25%,
系列 5 , 7 和 10 的利息 均低於 系列 6 這麼個保本迷債, 鎖定年期也不比系列6 短。

為甚麼銀行客戶們會捨系列6 之高息誘惑而選擇其它低息的迷債系列呢? 參見“從 迷債系列 6 看 雷曼迷你債券騙局手段之 完美完善過程

同樣由雷曼亞洲一手安排的在澳洲銷售的信貸掛鈎票據 Mahogany Notes 就清晰地介紹了
- 該信貸掛鈎票據之本金跟50個公司信貸掛鈎(7個破產就會失去100%本金),
- 該票據之利息跟150個公司信貸掛鈎(破產事件跟票據利息之關係)
- 該票據所有信貸掛鈎主體之評級(AA 到 BBB- 及 低於 BBB- 之公司數目,等)和公司之業界類別等信息。
- 該票據明確指出其資金不是投入於任何信貸掛鈎主體(公司)。

Mahogany Notes 票據買的人明確瞭解它們買入的產品是甚麼,所以雷曼暴煲之後,Mahogany Notes 票據持有者們沒有高呼上當,沒有投訴銷售結構。因為他們知道他們買的是甚麼。